
Okay, basically I'm doing something different today- I'm trying to be a school nerd again.

Although I failed to stay focus on our lecturer's lesson in our English enhancement because of the weird sleeping schedule that I have & the fact that I was building castles in the air, at least I wasn't trying to be a bad egg. Instead I was really serious about the worksheets that our lecturer assigned for us to complete without assistance or help whatsoever from anyone. I paddled my own canoe at last.

I guess I deserve the peace. Not so long ago I was in a catastrophe which I couldn't imagine getting out of it. Every little bit of trifles turned into one big tribulation & I admit there are still some of it left that I ignore now, but at least I finally got out of there. It's hard because I gave up almost everything to get out, but at least I started my life back to normal again.

It's healthy for me to keep silent too- I don't know but I just really like seclusion once in awhile. I faced the music & it's time for me to get my life into shape again.

Anyway still have a lot of worksheets to finish. I'm really getting a hang of answering multiple choice-questions. God bless & take care.

Shaping in, shipping out, Archuleyva!