A Dream Diver's Delight

"What's so different in the month of July?"

Well, for some of us there's nothing really special about this month. It's just that it's so overwhelming that we're turning another page in our 'Life Britannica' for another round of good & bad moments courtesy of Life Entertainment TV of course. Seriously though, my July's never really were memorable to me, but it's just a way I celebrate for nothing once in awhile. We must be appreciative in life, hence throwing either personal or public trifled celebrations is surely a start.

Things must've been still new to us, considering that Change Airlines are really bringing us somewhere fast. However, the idea of nature changing us so quick is just a folly because of the fact that we're not really that platonic in life or in time. We just keep moving on 'till we never realize that (soon) we'll be working 24/7 & we'll have no time to enjoy life the way we should. Pretty soon(er) we'll be the players of our own game, being independent & all, & that costs a lot of responsibility & hell yeah, a lot of our time. Still, at the end of the day, I wish we still know the reason why we're doing all this & if we're happy to things happening around us. Sigh, we lack so much in time we don't even notice it.

Since it's just my conjecture, I really just wish everything will turn out alright... not just in the month of July, not just this year... but in a lifetime. Being happy while being at the right direction is all we'd wish for, & I know & I pray that it'll make us better & contented.

We're all persona grata in life, we just have to make the most out of it. How? You ask yourself. :)

Special thanks to Icey, Karren, Cathy, Mafe, Anj, Jeah, Charlyn & the rest of the readers who really do suprised me just by saying "I'm reading your blog." Trust me, the line last longer in my head than you'd ever imagine. God bless & good morNight! :)

Signing off, Dream Diver :D

Bye Bye June 2008 :)

There are many directions set for all of us, & once we've chosen what we think is the best, then we have to say goodbye to the old ones we got.

We're not really putting all the past behind us, it's a matter of moving on to another step, especially that we have yet entered another set of challenges for all of us. Now that some of us took a bigger responsibility in this life, being a decent person is fit for the arrangements.... & no, you don't have to change hairstyles :)

Now that it's gonna be July anytime soon, (& the start of the A.I. Summer Tour) we must be pretty ready for a big tsunami wave of physiological & psychological problems & everything that go into them. Here's a little tidbit for all of us- we're gonna grow up anytime soon, so if we can, let's be happy to the obstacles we will enter. We're not gonna be young forever, & even in our age there's so many problems we are handling, so why not be cheerful in the middle of the tribulation? Why not do both?

It's not about how good we should be, it's all about making mistakes to be good... but don't push it. :)

Special thanks to Icey, Karren, Cathy, Mafe, Anj, Jeah & Charlyn :)

God bless & good night to everyone!

Signing off, Archuleyva <smirks>

Thrive & Strive Album Tour


Comments & Suggestions:

bnbep-                 Who's gonna watch? I do!!! I kinda missed his Faith & Fate album tour so I'm gonna make it up in his second album. :)

Sly_misses Ipi-     Oh yeah! Been waiting for this. I wish Archie would be there. I love there duet song... Never had I been searching for my strength... lalala :)

xml_jto-             I heard a news about Allan having problems with his voice? I think his larynx must have been overused.

thru_thicks_n_thins-     The news is a fake. He said he's always resting his voice whenever he can, so no need to worry guys. I'm so excited about the tour! Last album tour he went down on the stage & I held his hands... I wish I could do it again! :D

Allan_Addict-  Thank God for this. His album tour is just what I needed for the day. Good luck on the album tour Lan! He must've been very sleepless & tired considering he's doing all the photoshoots, the sequel to his movie, Trigger third season & his new mtv shooting.

never_had_I-   I wanna listen to his Never Had I with David Archuleta. I think he's coming too so he could also promote his album. :)

archuleyva-    No wonder he looks stressed & tired in his interviews, he's always doing the heavy work. I love the new album especially the artworks!

lover_soul_01-   I wish I could have some time to watch his album tour. How many concerts will he performed in this tour again & what places?

jeff_honda_ninety-     New Jersey, Arizona, New York... I think there will be nine concerts all in all. Visit www.allanleyvaofficial.com & you'll find what you're looking for.

Shine_on_me-    I wish the Allan-Hilary love team would be one of their segments. They look so good together in Trigger. I'm so excited for the tour!!! :)

Someone's Watching Over Me

They say a couple of beers could take away all your problems, & five straights of tequila can totally erase those worry warts. Unfortunately... fortunately, I'm not those people.

Abstaining from any alcohol or other bad habits never was a problem to me, but abstaining from any problems to any aspects of life, that I could really use... if it was existing. The thing is, having problems is a way of life, being a teachable moment for all of us so that we could get wiser in the future. Drowning in a lot of it, however, is a different story. I get what these problems say to me, & I honestly make the right decisions in life because of these problems, but sheesh, do we have to go for the same punishments again & again? Can we like, experience all the burden now so I could get a decent enough life after it? Hmm.. probably not.

Quit with the whining!

I just thank God that with all those problems around, having someone's hand can really boost me up throughout the day. Just thinking about someone really does care for you means a lot to a person like me, call me low, but I prefer abstract wishes than material ones. :)

From my Anatomy, I just know that all the things I try to finish comes with these temporary 'obstructions' just to spice up the moments, even though in my case, it's really too painful in the taste buds... but what the heck, I love spicy foods.

Congratulations to our batch who just proved that we are worthy to be what we're trying to be. Just two more years & those hard-hitting hospitals would beg for us to work for them. Just two more years & we can now enter another phase of life, regrdless of the age I wish hehe. Get ready Cardinal, because we batch 2010 will give you a lot of problems... that are already solved. :)

Twice the pain, twice the hardwork, twice the knowledge, twice the reward.

Special thaks to Icey, Karren, Cathy, Mafe, Anj, Jeah & Charlyn. :)

Signing off, Allan Aldrinne Leyva, RSN (Registered Student Nurse)

I need help...

I don't wanna be a hypocrite anymore. It's clear that will all those happening to me, I really am desperate to talk to someone about it. I need to find answers & solutions.

Today is our Pinning ceremony in AFP Theater, but I don't think I wanna do it anymore. I rather fix what's happening to my family. Let's just say I'm in the middle of a war... & I don't even know how to stop it. I don't know who to talk to anymore. I can't help but cry yesterday night in the shower cause I'm so freakin' stressed out about my mom. Believe me, she's great & all but dang! She really knows how to emotionally hurt you. I know she loves me but I'm not feeling that support every mother should give to her child. I think she's not going to my pinning ceremony... I don't know.

I can't pretend to feel alright today & can't really describe the feeling that I'm having right now. I don't know what to do. It kills me to see that the only people I value so much, are the ones who are fighting.

Remnants of Typhoon Fengshen

Everyday we live quite a wonderful & meaningful life. It's obvious that we are so focused on the way we do to live & to be contented. What if you die in a couple of seconds without finishing your amends?

The thing about us is that we are so concerned only to ourselves & to our families & friends that we never really pay attention to the people who are suffering now because of the tragedies of life. Yes, we watch the news about people killing people or accidents & yes, we are also suprised by the stories we see & heard from it... but in a couple of seconds, you continue living our life & forget what we've watched.

When you are in your house having a good time eating or sleeping or something, there were people from Sibuyan Sea who were trapped in the Princess of the Stars ferry, unable to breathe, panicking, & worrying about the things that they'll leave unfinished. It's a disaster that alarmed the whole world, because out of 800 passengers, four dozens of survivors live to tell the story about the torturous waves in the middle of the storm. Just thinking about the other 752 passengers who did not survive the tragedy, it's such a devastating news that we would never forget. Just imagine being trapped upside down in the boat, the water level was reaching at you & you have no idea how to escape. It just kills my heart.

While we were having the time of our lives, we have no idea that the government need almost 8 billion dollars to provide the casualties of the typhoon Fengshen food & shelter for three months. Just for one moment, let's just be silent & say a prayer to the victims of the typhoon to have enough food & shelter, & rest in peace to those who did not make it. Let's be one at this disaster & expect a better day tomorrow.

Don't let the sun go down on... us everyone.

Signing off, LAN

Getting Ready for New Episodes

Okay, so I didn't really have te best one-day vacation since we had to go to Camp Aguinaldo & practice our Capping/Pinning ceremony on Saturday. Yep! I'm pretty stressed out but I rather go to school & have a wonderful time. I've been kinda sick because of my colds lately but I'm feeling much better now. All I need is a little macaroni soup... & a little Archie & Cookie songs. :) Anyways, a 40-point Pharmacology test would be perfect for me getting better... sheesh! A shout out to all the readers out there... & yeah, I really have nothing to share. :D

Special thanks to Icey, Karren, Cathy, Mafe, Anj, Jeah & Charlyn :)

Signing off, LAN

85th Song- You're Out Of My League

I just finished this song a couple of minutes ago & it sounded great. It's a little high in the keys but I think singers like us can manage a little challenge... don't cha think? :)

You’re Out Of My League
Allan Aldrinne Leyva

Two feet you’re walking into me
Your eyes are looking, I didn’t have to see
I don’t what’s your intention
I do know there is a catch
So I’d better go keep hidden
‘Till I’ll sense that I’m attached

I get what you mean
You’re out of my league
So it’s better if we just put things into the past
& never come to understand
You’re out of my league

I’m getting out from my mistakes
Like loving you, I’m just a victim of this race
& it’s good if we just turn it down
A little cry is what we need tonight
& I’d never be a part of you
I don’t think it’s true if just choose
(Repeat Chorus)

Never give me something
That will change all my perspectives
Never even hope for
A miracle that they would understand
They would understand
(Repeat Chorus 2x)

& it’s better if we never say a word ‘bout love
& hide from your judgmental world
Yes it’s better if we just say hi & fake a smile
& show them what we’re really not
& it’s better if we hope that things will around
& move on with our changing lives
You’re out of my league

I have a feeling...

Sometimes we have to stop & look closely to the things that we need to check to reassure that everything's alright. Unfortunately, people are moving with their lives so fast that they can't seem to have a moment to see things clearly. For instance, have you ever tried to ask what he or she is feeling?

Don't be fooled by fake face masks. You know, people are very good in hiding their feelings to each other. The way I see it, people usually try to be their own knight in shining armor & save themselves rather than be saved from these dillemas that they're having. It's kinda sad that they usually pretend that they're okay when they're obviously not. You know, a break up never intends to make people happy, & trust me, a relationship that had stayed through thick & thin long enough to prove that it's all worth it in the end usually make people not sad, not angry... but devastated when things suddenly went wrong. It's never been easy to all of us, & it pretty damn sucks when you just can't do anything but believe in these people who have been hurt & still find a reason to be completely happy like nothing happened. I'm not saying being happy is a bad thing, I'm just saying that when you are hurt so bad, you can't expect to be fully recovered overnight. It's just so sad that sometimes we can't do anything about it, because we're afraid to alter the person's feeling. So what you see isn't really what you get.

Sucks being bad pretenders... you can't blame them actually. They just can't help it... & we can't do anything about it.

DAMN if you do, DAMN if you don't.

-Lan 12:09AM

People Like You - 80something Song!


Look who's been a wild-card visitor in LJ... my cute little Char2x. Charlyn, thank you for all the support you're giving me but I'm afraid you have to be 18 years old & at least 5 foot tall to buy a charity ticket. lol. Just kidding Char!

Sigh, good people do suprise you in weird & alternative ways. It's such a good thing I'm always in touch with these sets of friends that I proudly have for a lifetime. You see, good friends may come & go... but great friends, may come & will never let you go. That's a simple thought we should always bear in our minds...

Okay, enough with the cheesy parts, let's just go down to business... Guess what? I have made 85? 86? songs that I'll be posting here. I've not really been keeping track of my compositions lately because all was just so random. I'll write a song then I'm not gonna finish it & will write another one, then I'll be repeating it again until I have no idea where to finish. But since I've finished one of the eight songs I'm writing, I guess it's time to update everyone here so I could maybe empty out that music kidney of mine... okay, that's a disgusting thought... but you get the point. Anyways, here's People Like You. :)

People Like You
Allan Aldrinne Leyva

Here’s a famous tip to the people out there
You know they don’t care
& when they do
It’s really not that difficult to explain
That people need the same, so with their excuse

Changes we are going through are always ruining our attitude
& I have to say to heck with the fuse
Curiosity always backing off the scene
But what do you choose
You can always buy a booze

Life in suffering, with all those beautiful offerings
Like hunger, strikes & alibis
Your best friend died & you don’t know why
Wish I had a clue to stop these murdering tools
A world of guns & a world of fools
A little change of attitude will never hurt people like you

Sarcasm’s what you get & don’t you bet
You’re here to fret
Amazing how the world revolves controlled by a simple rule
Get what you have to get
Don’t you care for them
Enough with a sudden excuse
Shame on me & shame on you
They say you’re shoes are kinda uncool
(Repeat Chorus)

Simple mathematics
Automatic minus people like you
Gather up with all your troops
Cause it’s gonna be pretty damn good
Battles everywhere
Change is what you bear
A simple help is not that complicated
Overrated, just provide it
(Repeat Chorus 3x)

A little change of attitude will never bring bad luck to the people like you

Okay everyone! I hope ya'll had a good evening & take plenty of rests while you can cause you're gonna need it for school... do I have to explain why? :D Avoid being sick too. I have a cold today & it's been a major pain in the *ss that it's not going away. Dang it! Hope you had a great day tomorrow... & probably grow a little centimeters... Love you Char haha!

God bless & take care everyone! :P

Special thanks to Icey, Karren, Cathy, Mafe, Anj, Jeah & Charlyn! ;)

Signing off, Chuleyvs :)

Hellos & Goodbyes

There seems to have a lot of surprises that goes beyond 'being thunderstruck' after a blackout.

People may really come in & out of your life in the most bizarre way, especially in one of your busiest days when you have to finish everything that are filled up in your social laundry. By just checking your cyber mail for any junks that might be interesting can really give you a lot of information to the people who broke up, & to the people who wants to be back in one's life again.

It's completely bad news to people like me who always close their door when they already walked out of it, & then knocking infront of you again when they've decided to come back. It's just not right being the one who has to close a friendship, & then re-opens it for another goodbye. I know that because when you open a book & try reading all of its contents then close it, you'll never expect a different story when you open the same book again. But people like me who always accepts the same apology over & over again, always give them another shot. I just hope that it'll bring me enough good credits this time.

What's so 'good' about goodbyes anyway?

You guys have a great & wonderful stormy Sunday.

Special thanks to Icey, Karen, Cathy, Mafe, Anj & Jeah :)

Signing off, LAN

The reason behind blog categories

I opened my blog today with a smile on my face... It's all about recognition, with appetizers of funny & mad comments on the side.

Jeah, who's unbelievably one of my best friends, gave me a nice wonderful comment on one of my "Life or something like it" category post which is the Charity Tour 2011. Here's what she has to say:

"allan tigilan mo na yan... isnt this suppose to be a journal??? do you know what a journal is??? i'm bored.... natalo na si david archuleta sa amId... ikaw papatalo ka rin ba??? make your own story by sharing your life's story!!! get it???"

& yeah! She's one of my bestest friends & I thanked her for the comment. Gosh, how I miss our funny antics. It's just the way we compliment each other. Don't worry Jeah, I'll definitely make you your own blog where you can put all your cyber ideas that the world is waiting for. Don't you pet that green-eyed monster. :)

So before you read a post, scroll down a little bit below the post & if you see the category "Everyday Life", then I bet it's not the ones you'll be much entertained.

Anyways, word from the street that school had just started last week ago... that is why I'm busy as a bee right now. So I really appreciate putting down some blog comments for me. Thanks & have a wonderful evening everyone.

Special thanks to Icey, Karen, Cathy, Mafe, Anj, & Jeah :)

Lots & lots of Xs & Os "Allan!" (Jeah's voice)

Charity Tour 2011

(Continuation from the post Archu-Leyva)

July 9, 2011- At exactly 8 in the evening, the Kodak Theater in Hollywood City opened their doors for almost three thousand audiences to watch the final concert of the Charity Tour 2011.

"The grand ending of the tour was a blast! We made enough money to help those charities in need in the Philippines." said by David Archuleta who sold millions of copies of his first album DJ Cheleta in two weeks.

International popstar icon Allan Leyva, who planned the charity tour, said that everything they've done in this tour was to give back to the people who supported them & of course, help those charities the EMI company have chosen.

Along with Leyva & Archuleta were American Idol 2008 David Cook, Hilary Duff, the couple Paolo 'd Pao' & 'The Hills Have Ice' lead actress Eunice Galos, Chris Brown, American Idol 2007 Jordin Sparks, & Jennifer Lopez. Music Director & Coordinator Catherine Bautista says "The CT11 Music Group are filled with such great talents & with pure hearts because they did this thing for weeks without even getting payed."

The first concert began in the 19th of June in Salt Lake City, Utah where people experienced the performance of the 'Never Had I' tandem of Leyva & Archuleta which rocked the audience's world big time. The follow up concerts occured in Jersey, New Jersey; in Alexandria & Washington in Virginia; & in Boston, Massachusetts. The concerts made a very big profit that will be given to the charity foundation in the Philippines.

Notice Boards!

The start of the Charity Tour 2012 will begin in February in the Kodak Theater, for tickets & information call 213.480.3232 or go to www.ticketmaster.com or www.charitytour2012.com

Allan Leyva's Dreams Lyrics


Today wasn't really that different for me. I should say it just keeps getting better & better all the time with school. A couple of bad timing, not to mention bad alibis, happened but I was actually happy today.

It just shows that we must all look at the brigther side of life. To heck with your sunglasses! It's all good once you get used to the pool of life you jumped into.

Awhile ago, when I was thinking of a song that I can write today, I thought of one of the earliest songs that I have written & I got stumbled by my lyrics & it made me fell love again to that song. You know, you just can't help it but to fall in love to the ones you kept untouched for so long. This song is called Dreams & I think this was the one who boosted me up to write more songs. Because of this, my friends loved my songs & encouraged me to do more. Now, I have 84 songs that I couldn't even believed I have made & that I wouldn't give for the world. My songs are a part of me now... I consider it as my heart actually.

MUSIC is my LIFE & my SONGS are my HEART.

You know, just thinking about all the past things & the success you have acheived right now, you will never help yourself but put on a smile on your face while you pat yourself on the back.

Without further a do, here's the lyrics of Dreams:


Allan Aldrinne Leyva

I closed my eyes hoping for a sleep

& then I realized that I’m with you

You hold my hands & talked to me

You said I’m better off with you & I will take the risks

This world is building up a wall between you & me

So I’ll carry all my faith & break this all for you

I sleep again, hoping for a dream

I’m seem addicted to your face

All the hours are turning into talks

Ate some advice on how to love you

Yet again I’m caught by you

I can’t complain cause this is all I need


You saw the best there was in me in my dreams

How I wish that when I open my eyes, you’re here

& in this dream, I was running towards you

People everywhere are screaming our names

It’s all coming back to me that we have destiny

& I’m surprised that all agree to set us free

Forget the world, forget the time, just stay with me

Open you eyes & look at me

But alas! When I wake up, I got to note myself

That dreams are all good for all

But dreams are not reality

(You saw the best there was in me) in my dreams

(You saw the best there was in me) You saw the best there was in me

(You saw the best there was in me) in my dreams

There was a time when everything will all go back to you, & we just have to be ready for it to come back.

Goodnight everyone & God bless.

Special thanks to Icey, Karren, Cathy, Mafe, Anj & Jeah. :D

Signing off, Dream Fan- Always & Forever will be

Trigger Season Three

Warner Brothers brings you another season of life as its best.

Brand new episodes of Yuan McFallon, played by Allan Leyva, & the journey he's been going through & how things will happen to what, where, when & how he died.

Director Mark Schwahn, creator of One Tree Hill which is ending in September on their 8th Season, said that it was a great follow up from the show that started the highschool life story with his new set of great actors headed by Leyva, who won the Mtv Best Actor in a TV Series last month along with his platinum award for his first album Faith & Fate. "Running another show for two consecutive years now is like giving yourself another chance to put your life's story into another one. That's just great since OTH is way different from Trigger because this is where we could express another feeling that we never used in the former show." said by the director.

Academy award actress Jane Fonda, who played Leyva's grandmother in the show, was appaled on how the story keeps getting better & better. "The thing about random ideas they put on this show is the fact that one you put together all these ideas, the story of Trigger changes every episodes in a very good way." said by the actress.

With Leyva's love team Hilary Duff, the two can't seem to be paired with other actors & actresses by how the two Trigger stars set their bar high in playing their role together. "They just, you know, look so good together, like Lucas & Brooke, Peyton & Jake, plus Nathan & Haley. They're so inseperable together, & that's just what we need in this show." said by Schwahn.

"It's really great having another season with these people I'm working with & it's another great opportunity for me to play as McFallon again." said by Leyva in the Oprah show.

"Everybody just love Trigger, so we're giving the best we can to make this season a perfect one."

New episodes of Trigger will start on July 4, Tuesday at exactly eight in the evening.

100th Post!

"We must get beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey." -John Hope Franklin

Although my days are not quite a happy one right now, I'm just so overwhelemed & overjoyed that this was a great journey to walk on with you readers. Though bad news surely suprised me like losing the campaign for instance, it's still good that I get to lose nothing from this & learn something from it. If I'm saying that not all the people who support our campaign didn't have the chance to vote for us, it'll be like a mediocre excuse from losing. It's their loss anyway, right? I just hope they can make the school better by being the "voice of the people". Anyways, congratulations are fit for the arrangement.

Okay, I think I wanna share the first post I have ever written. It's kinda like a letter from someone. I made it, like two years ago. It's called A Funny Letter made by yours truly. It's kinda crazy to start my blog from this post:

"Funny how life gives you something good, then takes it all away. That we have to be substitutes of someone to feel good, not knowing that we just fulfill someone's time & waste our's. How our eyes met at a constant distance & you don't care one thing about it. How strong we can be together, & weak if it gets longer. How bearable to say I love you & how hard it can be. How I keep wondering the long & hard journey to find a replica of you thinking that I might hurt you even when I'm hurting myself. How long my body stays longer, & my heart isn't. How I think it's almost over, but truly it's just the start. How low a man can be chasing over somebody who is not for him. How loving is so easy, but hard to be loved. How today feels like yesterday. How lucky I am to meet you & unlucky I am to lose you. How there's so much I wanted to tell you, but there's so little time. MUCH have been said, & now I'm losing control & you are the only one who can change me back, with you as me & me as you. I gave the best I could, but I guess it's not enough for you. I longed for someone who will make me perfect (Even though perfection is next to social suicide), but chances are I'll end up losing everybody that surrounds me. The feeling kept me awake & very strong, but the reality made me weak, so weak than I could ever imagine. I become a stray, & it wasn't my intention to disturb you, I just hope that we can somehow, in an alternate universe, be more than friends, cause when I'm seeing you with somebody, it really impairs. I've got to set my priorities, but how can I ever straighten it when I have no chance to reconcile with you? No chance I presumed. I just hope for a day when you'll come to my door, not expecting you to say you'll try to love me. Funny how this message came from a human like me, who never wants anything but you. Funny how I seemed to lose hope to have you. Funny how this ends, very funny & at the same time, very sad..."

It's sad, right? Well, I got over it years ago, so nothing to fear. I'm not being emotional right now. :)

As arranged, here's the best words I have ever said in this blog of mine from the start of my 50th post until the 99th. You might be able to remember it, so enjoy!

1. Whoa! I really missed posting here. It's been two days since I wrote something, & now look what I'm doing now; re-writing my notes in Nutrition & Microbiolgy & Parasitology at 2:35am.

2. It's been so fast that I cannot believe I'm studying & stressing again (Then again, when did I became a stressed-free person).

3. I'm sooo overwhelmed in my schedule since Monday to Saturday, my classes starts at 8 in the morning & ends in 6 in the evening, with only an hour break. Talk about serious torture!

4. But sleep nowadays, must be a thing of the past right now. In nursing, you are either awake or just resting... so... zzzzz...

5. Whoa! To close my eyes means putting all my responsibility aside, so back to being a coffeeholic.

6. From 8am to 6pm?! Even call center agents can't handle our schedule...

7. It's really not a joke when my mom said that NCM100 & Microbiology is hard, so now, I just don't listen to my 'mom facts' anymore because she's always right when it comes to something that is hard to do. Oh how days can turn into weeks...

8. Kissing up was way centuries ago. The newest trend, I guess, was being the best in class... not really the best, but being one of the best.

9. I'm still me, so don't you worry. :)

10. In life right now, I think I need some shortcuts & fast forwards!

11. I know it's true that you should work hard on something so that you could be twice happier when you finished something cause you know you worked hard for it, but shish! Does it really gonna suck your soul in working hard?

12. What's the use of complaining anyway, right? It's not like it's going to rain this morning so they could cancel class, right?... Wait a minute... (Lord, please help us make the sun go away for a moment) :)

13. I know it's very fun to study summer classes, but at  the end of the day, you'd be so tired that you wished you'd rather spend the vacation on the beach, or in any nurses' case... in bed.

14. Another day to be tortured... the worst part is, I think it's fun... sob.

15.  This is the moment that my heart is telling me to do it. I am ready to fall... literally.

16. At first I always said that summer school is hard but fun. Now, it's another way around, making it seem more negative than what I thought it was.

17. Solutions like editing your pictures & stuff like than make me feel serene just for awhile. It's a good thing for me to show my creativity that I started to love back when I was a child, & it gives me the rest that I needed to continue working hard... I mean studying hard. You see! I can't even distinguish studying from working anymore. It's as if I'm doing both, with no salary. sob

18. I'm a mess today, no! I'm not giving up with these burdens that can ruin me because I'm not a mediocre when it comes to handling superficial & all-what-you-can-think-of pain. I am my Alaxan, I am my Neozep, I am my Pizza Hut.

19. Good evening everyone! What a day I had today. Obviously, it's gonna be about school-school-school again, but what can I do? I'm there at 8 in the morning to six in the evening, is there anything to talk about besides... microbiology?

20. Jeah who always shows that she cares even though she acts like she's not, Achi Aileen who never failed to make me feel I have my older sibling with me, Icey who's always there to make me feel high-spirited in finishing everything, Ian who, day by day, make me laugh, Ronnie whom I always tease with someone (Yihee!), Reggie who makes everything so funny, Dalal who always there to... laugh (lol), Sheila who is... very quiet, Mafe whom I link with... my lips are sealed lol, & some of my new friends there in N-313.

21. There will come a time where everything will be better, where you could be who you really want to be. A time where courage is finally strengthened, & fears are a thing of the past. A time where people will look up on you & will tell you how much have you been change for the better. A time where faith met fate, & strive met thrive. If you open your eyes, you're already there, happy & contented, to a place where you really wanted to be.

22. That's the best thing about life. You know that there will always be happy endings to where you are heading to.

23. I'll take myself to the lowest part of my life, not only so I could experience it, but to hurt myself in the process so I could be wiser. In any battlefield, I'll be collecting these emotional scars. I won't let myself be numb, for I want to be hurt. In the end, I could prove to myself... "I lived a life"

24. All will wither & good things will bloom. All will break & good things will soon be repaired. All will go down & good things will fly.

25. Faith & Fate Album Tour

26. It's been a 'long & winding road' for everyone of us, but it's freaking good that we finished another week of summer school with or without those emotional breakdowns that appear from time to time

27. Though life now is way different from that of before, I guess happiness & serenity always stayed within me. Even though frustations & sudden drama affects these emotional platelets, well let's just say there were emotional white blood cells too.

28. We all had dreams that never failed to make those brain cells work inside these little ol' head of ours. Dreams that brightened our day or turned on that mood swings. Dreams that will let you define whether something is real or not, & even if it is fantasy, you still want to believe it's there or happening...

29. It's so weird even for me, but the thing is, it's actually kind of devastating to dream something or someone that you really love, & when you wake up without them, you just keep pretending that they're with you until you realized that you only hurt yourself in the process, making you nocturnal & nostalgic.

30. I'm becoming the bad guy in my own show.

31.  Can't they imagine we're being dragged around from 8am to 6pm with 2 hours of going home & still be opt for going to school the next morning? Can't they at least think that we're only sleeping for less than 5 hours & give us only one day to study two major exams? Can't they imagine that this day that the school gave us is only for us to rest more? Can't they realized that we're studying 500 pages of Nutrition, NCM 100 & Microbiology for only a day? Geez, what the hell is happening to them?

32. May. Midterms. Mayhems.

33. 77 Songs!!! I'm on an emotional-music roll, & though my days are making me a complete mess, I guess every bit of my feelings put in those songs are all worth it, I think it comes with the new hair. :D

34. Anyways, I think I had enough rest for today... Rest, not sleep. The word 'sleep' doesn't exists in the nurses' dictionary anymore. It's just the way it is.

35. Since I'm a Cap-rius, meaning a Capricorn & Aquarius, I've been appreciating horoscopes lately, I guess it's because it kinda gives you advice on how you deal life today. It's quite witty, being updated everyday & not running out of ideas & advices, so I'm giving them a thumbs up. Thank you Mr. Friendster. :)

36. Life...

37. All I know is I saw daylight again! hehe

38. At least I get to spend time with my pillow before I go back with my school bag.

39. The Hills Have ICE!!!

40. I'm a little needy, but isn't it a super-duper cliche? We all are needy people & we need to need something to need to work to get it , & at the end of the day, you just need to rest.

41. There will come a time when people will stand up & have their kingdom on their own... now's my time. lol

42. From the rising fame of the two David's in American Idol to the fall of China because of the earthquake, there's still me who exists to continue the path that I God & I have planned to take.

43. Guess who's running for secretary in the student council? I could've imagine David Archuleta being my assistant secretary, but I guess he's just too busy going for the gold in today's finals of American Idol Season 7.

44. I guess I'll be writing more songs that's coming from this little vessel of emotions

45. Yesterday we knew who became the King David in American Idol, & I must say, I'm kinda happy about the results but you really can't help being sad especially you already have two Davids in your life... but aside from A.I., what really happened in my life yesterday & today wasn't really all that red-carpety(?), glamorous, star-studded, teary-eyed experience... I know, I suck at grammar! Damn it!

46. As for me, I need an intradermal of Hale's new songs, my future wife & you know it... my David Archuleyva lol

47. Awhile ago I was thinking it's better to skip all these things right now or fast forward life because I know you'll end up living all your dreams by having this certain kind of acheivement, but I know that's not possible & that's just the way it is for us to learn, so I'll be happy having all you people around.

48. She's kinda like the best mom of the year in the anger management category... I'm not really affected, though because I know she's having a pretty rough time managing us three alone, but of course, I, again, have to sacrfice myself for her to put all the anger she has.

49. THE HILLS HAVE "ICE" II... Higher Heels Than Ever!!!

50. The cliche "coming soon" is not really what I am excited of. There's so many ways to celebrate another college stepping stone but I guess I have to put these one down for good.

51. My series will really be a bummer to me, but I guess Mr. Life, not to mention Mr. Mananquil, are enjoying it for the purpose of entertainment. Gosh, that's why I hate live reality t.v. shows.

52. Alone...

53. Though we always find that June is rather a negative month for some of us, well... let's just say school has got to start somewhere in this year, right? Okay, that was the most lamest excuse of the century lol.

54. June 14, 2011- A suprising mark in the history of music industry has been made as international popstar icon Allan Leyva finished his last concert on his Faith & Fate World Concert Tour where millions & millions of people crowded inside & outside of Kodak Theater.

55. The start of this school year isn't really what I expected to be. Changes come in different shapes & sizes, & this one's a suprising thought for quite a while now.

56. June 19, 2011- Another tandem has made quite a show in the first event of the Charity tour in Utah, making it as a successful event leaving the audince having goosebumps all over their body.

57. I've always been a silver lining boy, but pain can't go away until you show it to everyone else. All this problems right now are just conflicting me to live my life at the fullest; everybody's dumping it in to me, & I can't even give it to somebody else because just to break the ice, I'm my own family.

58.  I just realized that a simple piece of paper or, in my case, a blank space for you to write in your thoughts & miseries might be more faithful & trustworthy than to everybody else. You know, a paper never complains to what we say or to what we feel, they just listen to you.

59. About time I emptied my eyes out again. Somehow, it helped me coping up with all the depression I've been having... all I need now is peace, silence & everything else that goes with them.

60. Lately I've never been Mr. Sunshine & watching One Tree Hill keeps me occupied in my studies, but right now, I just wanna stay focus & finish this thing fast & enjoy it every once in awhile. Without further ado, let's just close this one up.

Okay! That was the last one of it. I've never been happier tonight. Still got to finish a presentation but it's all good. Thank you to everyone who ride the waves with me here in LJ. :D

God bless & goodnight everyone. Happy 100th Post to all of us. :)

Special thanks to Icey, Cathy, Karren, Mafe & Anj. :D

Signing off, Archuleyva :D

84th Song- Before I Go

The unhappy title says it all, but if we bump to each other, then I'll be proving this one's a feel good song to hear. :)

Before I Go
Allan Aldrinne Leyva

You’ll never even understand
There are things we can’t comprehend
Can’t comprehend
There are things we can’t undo
Like loving you right out of the blue
I’m watching you

I’m growing now
I’m flying, don’t you hold me down
We’re going wrong
I’m heading right, now we can move along (so)

Before I go
I really want you to know
This ain’t a show
If I will keep
Pretending I’m just a kid
I’m letting go
It’s all I know
Before I go

He’ll be keeping you awake
Give you a necklace like he owns your place
He owns your place
I said something’s ‘bout having love
& then the heartbreak comes & takes a vow
I’m changing now

I’m running now
I’m reaching for something to drown
I’m playing safe
I should’ve put you in between
(Repeat Chorus 3x)

You’ll never even understand
There are things we cannot comprehend

It's just not enough...

About time I emptied my eyes out again. Somehow, it helped me coping up with all the depression I've been having... all I need now is peace, silence & everything else that goes with them.

When I was in my sophomore highschool years, I've never really been the optimistic kid to myself... & the most popular too, & when I remembered all that happened in my freshmen year, I couldn't help but realized I'm pretty much alone. That year, I came to a conclusion that I can finish this year just by having one friend that will always guide me along the way, which is God. It sounds 'religionally-absurd' but it helped me out by being lonely. It's not really an excuse to feel better because I know God has always been there for me, but somehow, in this world, what you really need is someone who you can see & talk back at you when you say something, but still being innocent in those years made me realized I don't need somebody to depend on. Now that I'm in my junior college years, the very last thing that I wanted to have is be alone. Considering I have many friends right now (I think), it's still been very hard for me not to feel it. It's good to have some company, but expectations are alot greater than just by hanging out with them... it's just not enough for me. Maybe all I want is something for me to prove that they're gonna be there when I really need them, because I was there when they need someone. All I need is something that can erase all this crappy thoughts about this people that I care so much about. All I want is something that will give me a reason to continue living my life like this. It's either that or I'm just really lonely & I see reality as a black hole.

I know I'm not the only one who has problems & questions so I'm saving myself to the benefit of the doubt & try to go back to the things I'm dealing right now. Lately I've never been Mr. Sunshine & watching One Tree Hill keeps me occupied in my studies, but right now, I just wanna stay focus & finish this thing fast & enjoy it every once in awhile. Without further ado, let's just close this one up.

God bless & take care everyone. Let's have a refreshing start with this week until the ver end.

Lots of x's & o's LAN


June 19, 2011- Another tandem has made quite a show in the first event of the Charity tour in Utah, making it as a successful event leaving the audince having goosebumps all over their body.

Many had been star-strucked by the angelic voices of the two young singers Allan Aldrinne Leyva who just had finished his record-breaking Faith & Fate World Concert Tour & American Idol Runner up David James Archuleta who released his second debut album. The reason? "The two young singers made a beautiful duet on the song Never Had I written by Mr. Leyva. It has always been a normal song for me, but woah! It's like the world crushed over my shoulders when I heard them sing that song together." said by the tour's music producer Ms. Karren dela Cruz who also lead many famous music events in the world.

The 'Platinum Prince' & American Idol's 'The One' said they've been working very hard on their music & it was a very worthy performance for both of them. "Allan's a great composer & I love his music so much. It has always been a great honor to sing with him & to be one of his friends." happily said by the twenty two year old singer who have been bestfriends with Leyva for quite awhile now. He also told us that it's been one of the proudest moment of his life because he's been able to help those people by sharing his music.

"I just can't believe I'd actually performed with one of the best talents in the whole wide world. You know it's been great singing with one of your closest friends." said by Leyva who was making his sophomore album 'Thrive & Strive' that will be releasing early next year. "At least I'd still get to have fun amidst all the hard work we've been doing in our practices, my shooting for my series & my movie, & to everything else I've been dealing with" he added.

The two singers were also joined by American Idol 2008 David Cook, runner up Michael Johns, International popstars Hilary Duff & Jennifer Lopez, Eunice Galos, One Tree Hill star Bethany Joy Lenz & other famous singers.

"The first concert was a great success. We're predicting it will be more successful in the six remaining concerts for this charity fund-drive." said by music director Ms. Cathy Bautista who have been reportedly been going out with Gossip Girl star Chase Crawford for three months now.

The second concert of the tour will be on New Jersey in June 24 at exactly 8 in the evening. Tickets are available on ticket.net. For more information, visit www.charitytour2011.com.

Singer Makes History

June 14, 2011- A suprising mark in the history of music industry has been established as international popstar icon Allan Leyva finished his last concert on his Faith & Fate World Concert Tour where millions & millions of people crowded inside & outside of Kodak Theater.

"I really wasn't expecting that people are gonna be filling up the theater for my last event. It was, for me, one of the biggest achievements that I had since the start of my career." happily said by the 'Platinum Prince' after his concert. A total of five hundred thousand people attended his world concert tour that was automatically referred as the biggest concert tour of the century in the Guiness Book Of World Records.

"I was really, really suprised when I heard the news about the Guiness thing. It was all made possible because of God & all the people who keep on supporting me & gave me the chance to share my passion." added by the singer/model/actor.

The EMI Company, where Leyva is currently residing, too is surprised as the news spread all over the world. "We can't imagine how we shaped Allan so fast that the world can't wait for his music. We really feel good we did not have any doubts whatsoever when we met him" said by one of the EMI music producers who is now working on Allan's second album 'Thrive & Strive' which was predicted to achieve an even more sky-rocketing success with new music hits composed by the singer himself.

Joined by the music crew were hundreds of special guests including American Idol 2008 David Cook; the singer & Leyva made a very surprising but lovely version of Bryan Adams' When The Stars Go Blue which topped number one in the hit chart of Music Billboards for nine consecutive weeks. "He's really my great lil' bro & I have no problems working with him anytime" said by the singer who is currently working on his second debut album 'A New Beginning' that will be released later this month.

Hilary Duff quite made a very beautiful performance with their upcoming duet with Leyva entitled 'Go But Stay' written by the Platinum Prince himself. It will be one of the sixteen songs from the singer's new album.

Together with The Fray, One Republic & Maroon 5, Ms. Eunice Galos also made a remarkable performance with Allan Leyva whom is best friends with the singer.

After the concert tour, the singer doesn't really have the time for some rest because of his busy schedule that were filled up within the whole year. New episodes in his TV hit series 'Trigger' that is currently in their third season should be finished by the end of November. Also scheduled for next week is his very own Charity Tour that will be benefited by the orphanage in the Philippines & China. There will be seven concerts that will be happening throughout the United States & will be aired nationwide. Together with the tv series & the Charity Tour is his recording sessions for his second album & his shooting for the sequel of his Blockbuster movie Trifles & Tribulations (TnT) to be released in May 2013.

"Though I'm very stressed out in work & everything else, dang it! I still have all the reasons to smile everyday. I'm very thankful to everyone who let me in into their lives. It was really a big deal for me having to change someone's life by just sticking to what I do best."


2011 Text Messages

Message 56:
Lan Lan! How're u? I was calling u but ur not answerin. Ur not evn callin me back. Is der sumtin wrong? :_( U also promisd 2 vct me rmmbr? Nyways, i already txtd ur frend eunice galos, d actress/model bout d upcoming events 4 d charity tour next wik. i think she already called our music producr, Karen Daka 4 it. she also said her husbnd 'd Pao' is comin wid her. Lan, pls hit me back as sun as u get dis msg. I miss hangin out wid u. God bless n tc :)
From: DJ Cheleta
11:43pm 09-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 57:
Allan! David is askin me if ur receiving his messages. His bin trying 2 call u all day. Oh yeah, i already talkd 2 him bout d charity tour nxt wik. Ima go there too. just hit me back asap. Gud luck 2 ur last 3 concerts dis wik. Gud job on finishin ur tour. Lav yah lots. Gudnyt :)
From: Icey
11:45pm 09-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 58:
Lan, thank God u already replied. I thought u were ignoring me. Always carry an extra batt 4 ur phone alryt? I knw ur schedule is kinda tyt but i rili miss our bonding moments. Just hav a gud rest ryt now 4 ur 3rd 2 d last concert tour. My family wants 2 say hi 2u. Cant w8 4 nxt wik. Gudnyt lan lan. Gud luck 2 u tom. :)
From: DJ Cheleta
11:46pm 09-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 59:
Allan. were having a meeting bout d charity tour tom. thnx for choosing me as ur music producer again. Oh yeah! Did u talkd to anj already? She's giving u Jennifer Lopez's number 4 u 2 txt her bout d concert. Hilary D is also volunteering 4 d events snce u guys r frends. David A said u already talkd 2 him. Gud luck 2 ur concert n gudnyt lan. :)
From: Karen Daka
11:51pm 09-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 60:
Info Card Sent: Jennifer Lopez
Mobile Numbver: +9085731902
From: Anj Martin
11:52pm 09-JUN-11
Save this number? Y/N

Message 61:
Allan! Did u receiv Jlo's number? Its ol up 2 u 2 convince her to make her go 4 d charity tour nxt wik. I think u'll be able to make her join, since u guys already met at d oscars ryt? Nyways, I'm also bringin my frend Poshy Beckham. She said she'll join us 2. Gud luck 2 ur concert tom Allan. Gudnyt. :D
From: Anj Martin
11:52pm 09-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 62:
Allan! I olready tlkd 2 my boyfrnd Chase. He said he's gonna join the charity tour. He also said u txtd hm last wik teling him hes perfct 4 a directr. Ur crazy haha. I think im coming 4 ur concet tom. Dat's the last one, ryt? Thnx 4 d vip tickets Lan. Gud nyt n gud luck. :)
From: Direk Cathy Bautista
11:55pm 09-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 63:
Thnx 4 d vip ticks allan. Me, icey, cathy n chase craw4d r going tom. Luv u lots Allan.
From: Anj Martin
11:56pm 09-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 64:
V+!>| H0d 7VHVW-=\\>Tnx 4d vip tickets Allan. Me n my studnts r gonna come tom nyt.
From: Mafe Fernandez
11:56pm 09-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 65:
Hi allan! Hows it goin? Sure. Glad u called. I'm gonna join d charity tour nxt wik wid my husbnds n d twins. Just let me knw d details. Lav yah. :)
From: Jennifer Lopez
11:58pm 09-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 66:
Gudnyt n thnx again Lan Lan. Next wik alryt? R David C n Michael Johns gonna b dr nxt wik? Our song Nvr Gonna Make It 2day will nvr b a perfct song without d 2 of dem. Hav sum rest already okay? Gud nyt
From: DJ Cheleta
11:59pm 09-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 67:
I olready talkd 2 Michael Johns n he said he's sure 4 d charty tour nxt wik. Miss u lil' bro. Did u got home safe? Just be early 4 our last practice tomorw okay? Gudnyt Allan. :)
From: David Cookie
12:02pm 10-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 68:
Miss yah 2 besy Lan. Gudnyt. Pao said he's gonna rap 4d event nxt wik so dnt u worry bout it. :)
From: Icey Velasco
12:06pm 10-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 69:
Oh yeah Allan! I'm absolutly sure 4 next wik. I already talkd 2 our music producer, Karen Daka n Anj Martin 4 ol d events. Gudnyt n gudluck 2 ur concert lil bro. D 2 davids already txtd me. Cook said he has a prfct atendance in ur Faith n Fate concert tour. Archie said he misses u so much. My wyf wants 2 send u her regards. :)
From: Michael Johns
12:06pm 10-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

Message 70:
Thank u 2 lil bro. Go early tom aryt? Hav sumtin 4 u tom. :)
From: David Cookie
12:07pm 10-JUN-11
Reply to this message? Y/N

83rd Song- Change Passenger

Just to celebrate the remnants of our beautiful & happy moments while we enter a new phase of life without having the same people around you (sob), I wrote a song entitled Change Passenger. It's kinda like a pop metallic rock song. I'll sing it to you when I get famous, don't worry lol. Anyways, nuff said... Here's Change Passenger:

(This is primarily for Icey, Jeah & Achi Aileen whom I'm gonna miss so much... bigger than big time)

Change Passenger
Allan Aldrinne Leyva

All aboard, it’s getting faster now
It’s moving on a crazy direction
Hurry up before they leave the place
We ain’t gonna stop, this is a race

The train is leaving, go & get your stuff
While I sing a country song ‘bout love
Where are my big old hat & my new leather boots?
Come & seek the truth

Cause I am a passenger of change
I can see my life together with time
& I am a lover of disgrace
That is why I’m changing
I’m a passenger of change

We’re nearly there; I’ll come & pick you up
We deserve a second chance
I’ll drink my time away & dive into the hay
While I dream of a gorgeous frown

Sing me your lullabies as we bid goodbye
We still don’t know how things will turn out
I’m maybe a little bored but enjoying every step of it
Come & see the light
(Repeat Chorus)

Close all the doors while
We celebrate the moments of our life
Don’t get off rail road sign
Don’t even cross another path
We’re taking you to where you ought to be
(Repeat Chorus)

Cause I am a passenger of change
Close your eyes & dream tonight
Be ready for things that will make you fray
You are why you’re changing
I’m a passenger of change

Anyways, God bless to everyone. We're gonna make it until the very end. All aboard the Change Express :)

Change Passenger

It's officially June... everybody has this feeling of laziness when they hear the sound of their alarms, telling them it's time for school again. That's what this month is all about, & that sucks for other people.

Though we always find June as a negative month, well... let's just say school has got to start sometime this year, right? Okay, that was the lamest excuse of the century lol. All I'm saying is maybe some kids are excited to go to school not really just for education but for their friends too. But even though I'm so optimistic this month, I still want a little piece of summer vacation just for a little while. Summer classes are fun & all, but it's not really the type you'll be doing during summer, plus the campaign week that really filled my schedule during my rest days.

With June 10 only being two days away, which is the start of our school, I really don't have any idea how to treat those two days as vacation. Heck! I'm used to imagining myself working nowadays. I can't help it because working people didn't really have time for fun & play. Sleeping before I experience being awake 24/7 again is what I should be doing to have that stress-free start of classes... or, in my case, continuation of classes.

I have tons of ideas lined up for this month, including the personal letters to anybody I know & love (Yihee! David). I also planned to start a day by day personal tribute to someone like you! Yeah, I'll start doing this later this month (Hopefully). I'm still thinking about the first person whom I'll start giving my tribute with so it might take a while. I still want to thank Karren for having the ABSyndorme (Allan's Blogs Syndrome). I love the term & I love how she suffers from it... that sounds violent but... whatever lol. I'm also writing a couple of songs that I'll be posting this month. I'm doing all this while studying so... I guess I may never have so much rest next week.

Another wave of change is coming here in LJ (Lefty's Journal), & in my life especially that it's on the third season already. Better keep myself ready for it... because it's not really gonna be a good one... I'll miss you Jeah, Achi Aileen, Ice, Karen, Weegy, Cathy, & Mafe. I think there's no chance we're going to spend a whole day together because of our ridiculous schedule. But I know all of you guys have a pure heart & will never ever change the way you guys are treating me. I'm really gonna miss you. :_(

Special thanks to Icey, Karen, Cathy, Mafe & Anj...

Signing off, A Change Passenger

To David Archuleta

Dear DJ,

Aww, I really miss calling you that. Haha It's been like three months since we were together. Yeah! The concert was such a success in NYC. I didn't expect many people would come to watch me sing. It's slightly nerve-wracking but I got through it with the help of our big brother David Cook. Didn't know it was later called the concert of the year that you shouldn't miss until after the event. So I'm like woah! Anyways, I'm so 'cookified' in our funny skit with Ahiya DC. haha. Did you watched it already? Those staff in Saturday Night Live are such crazy geniuses. How's it going with Uncle & Aunt? I heard he wants me to play billiards with him.  I also miss cooking 'kiam peng' with Aunt. I hope they're doing fine. Tell them I'm going to visit there next week after the tour, & then maybe I could pick you up there & steal you away to Hollywood lol. I think next month will be our recording sessions with Hilary D. I'll be the one who will choose what duet are we gonna sing. I already submitted my 16 songs for the second album & it's gonna be a great hit. How's your brother & sisters? Are they doing good at school? I miss all of you there. I wish I could go there now but I still have three concerts to finish for the whole week. Our next destination is in O.C. I'll be pretty busy rehearsing but I promise I'll sleep more. I don't want you to worry again 'bout my health. You're becoming my nurse already haha. Just take some break in your college & music life when you have the time okay? You're gonna do great. I also promise I'd be going to your graduation next year. 'Till here. God bless & take care always DJ.

Allan Aldrinne Leyva

From David Archuleta

Dear Lan Lan,

How's it going? I heard your concert was a success last week in New York. I wish I could go but, you know, college plus album is really hard. You understand right? Anyways, are we still on for your next gigs? I'm happy to sing with you again. I also heard that we're going to make a duet song together. I'm really excited about it & so thankful that you chose me to sing a song with you. I'm gonna make you sing real good this time so don't you worry haha. I still remember the accident last three months ago. We really had so much fun escaping John, our music producer, from the studio & we threw a swimming party to your house. When John called us he was so ballistic... it was hilarious! I really miss bonding with you again, friend. After my semester I really promise to spend time with you. I also saw you on tv with our big brother David Cook. You're doing a funny skit together & it was so funny. Anyways, still have many things to do (& maybe you are too) so I'm gonna end this here.

Oh yeah! Mom, dad, my sisters, & my brother want to send their regards to you. Dad said to visit more often since you're the only one he knows who's good in billiards. Mom said she misses your cooking bid time. We really miss you so much. Allan, just take good care of yourself even more. I don't want you to collapse again due to overworking. Just sleep for once okay? I miss you & the staff there. God bless & take care.


A simple one-word title never really sells to the public, & it's not really the lyrics of Heart's hit, but this simple common word really gets to everybody, it really does. Well, at least you have company with this feeling... & the name is sadness. :(

To tell you the truth, I'm not really opt for school in the next following weeks because dissolving isn't really what I expected. Though I'm kinda happy half of my classmates will be joining me, what about the other half & my three bestest friends right now who made their way to N-311? Got lost? No, it was the school's decision.

I still can't accept the dissolving thing...

Special thanks to Icey :_(, Karen, Cathy, Mafe, & Anj

Signing off, Archuleyva with the AASyndrome... & so depressed :_(