Cab Drivers & La Union

Today was not that productive but I really enjoyed it. Apart from spending the day with my best friends, I also had super fun with my crazy family.
You know, I really appreciate even the smallest things in this world. Some cab drivers are really, really nice. On the way home the cab driver talked about the *eherm ongoing sex video scandal issues in the Philippines. We exchanged opinions & ideas about the topic. When I was on the way to my friend's house, the driver talked about his previous passengers & all that. It's just so nice having conversations with complete strangers.

Okay, so we're heading to La Union this evening for a three-day vacation. I hope Mr. Sun won't fade away & to finally have that tan body I'm longing for so long. I had a trim today & it's really nice... for me though. I'll be traveling with my laptop so the only thing I need there is an internet connection. If not, then my posts will be postponed. Anyways, have a great weekend you guys! Drop a comment or two about the things you're doing today cause I really wanna hear your stories.
God bless & take care everyone!
Shaping in, shipping out, Allan :)