Someone's Watching Over Me

They say a couple of beers could take away all your problems, & five straights of tequila can totally erase those worry warts. Unfortunately... fortunately, I'm not those people.

Abstaining from any alcohol or other bad habits never was a problem to me, but abstaining from any problems to any aspects of life, that I could really use... if it was existing. The thing is, having problems is a way of life, being a teachable moment for all of us so that we could get wiser in the future. Drowning in a lot of it, however, is a different story. I get what these problems say to me, & I honestly make the right decisions in life because of these problems, but sheesh, do we have to go for the same punishments again & again? Can we like, experience all the burden now so I could get a decent enough life after it? Hmm.. probably not.

Quit with the whining!

I just thank God that with all those problems around, having someone's hand can really boost me up throughout the day. Just thinking about someone really does care for you means a lot to a person like me, call me low, but I prefer abstract wishes than material ones. :)

From my Anatomy, I just know that all the things I try to finish comes with these temporary 'obstructions' just to spice up the moments, even though in my case, it's really too painful in the taste buds... but what the heck, I love spicy foods.

Congratulations to our batch who just proved that we are worthy to be what we're trying to be. Just two more years & those hard-hitting hospitals would beg for us to work for them. Just two more years & we can now enter another phase of life, regrdless of the age I wish hehe. Get ready Cardinal, because we batch 2010 will give you a lot of problems... that are already solved. :)

Twice the pain, twice the hardwork, twice the knowledge, twice the reward.

Special thaks to Icey, Karren, Cathy, Mafe, Anj, Jeah & Charlyn. :)

Signing off, Allan Aldrinne Leyva, RSN (Registered Student Nurse)