March Madness!

We started the year right, so it's better to start this month with a fresh outlook in life.
Many things happened & definitely changed for the past two months. I still have to stay on track no matter how much I wanted to leave for something I think is better. It's not that healthy though, but I still want to continue.
March! Actually, it's the month when I first wrote my composition. I remember it so well because it's before the end of our school year.
Music, & madness? I already have an intuition that everything will get worst this month, that's why I'm laying out all my plans now. If I have to go under a lot of pressure, I need some direction to help me go through the wave. It's gonna be hard for me & I still have to keep up with the pace. I can't afford to be nonchalant now since every little bit of the worry seeds that I ignored for months are now growing bigger, & its kinda blooming more tribulation than ever. That's why I'm harvesting it now, before it will be too late.
Anyways, I'm starting right now... Wish us luck guys! God bless & Merry March to everyone of us! :)
Signing off, A