
Guess who didn't make it to Treehouse tonight? Yep! It got me so depressed I didn't even want to think about it. Well! Of course I had my reasons, & it sucks that the main reason was... school works.

I know studies are my first priority, but come on! A night with Hale is all I really need to boost up my energy. & it's so sad thinking that in all the excuses I could get, it's always because of studies. I can somehow accept it if my reasons are somewhat better than school works, but it's not... I have to face reality. It's good that I'm doing my assignments now, but it's also devastating to not take the night off to see my favorite local band. Sigh... oh well.

It's just the beginning...

Because of lack of sleep, I'm kinda not being myself lately; I'm so pessimistic & emotional right now that I couldn't even fake a smile. I'm like the electron in an atom, you know. All I need is my neutron to set me right again. I need some decrease in Serotonin (do men have that?) just to make me feel better.

Dang! Is this the side effect of having hospital duty at Mandaluyong City Medical Center? I'm so close to being a psychosis patient. T_T