Helping = Happiness = Asking for something

Did you ever had that feeling like you deserve something? You never asked for anything nor complaint about what you have, but you know inside you that every once in a while you have to treat yourself with something that will make you feel good. You were always on that edge where you have to immerse yourself to help those people in need, but after all their miseries that you've encountered & solved, there was no one to help you nor give you something in the end. I'm not really that needy but I'm still human, & I deserve something.

Happiness= Helping
Still engraved in anyone's life is the saying "To give is better than to receive" which is always the trademark to all the victims out there. Although it's true that giving & receiving is a cycle that circles the balance of blessings & punishments, there are those who never failed to be by your side. However...

Happiness= Asking for something
...there are still those who deserves to have something in return. It's always been problems to me; wherever or whenever I go, & I'm not complaining at all. I just wish that, maybe, there was still something I could have for me to believe that all the hardwork & all the rest I'm sacrificing to finish something is all worth it in the end.

Helping = Asking for something
Now that is what I want to believe.