Appreciation. Business. Connoisseurs. Dreams. Epiphany. Friends.

It's been days since I got into typing again. I am so occupied with school works &, of course, my business. Although it's kinda tiring juggling two things in the same moment, it's still fun, exciting, & challenging for me because it's all very, very worth it almost everyday.

Ever since I got into my business, things have really changed. I'm expecting a trivial turnout from all of this because its importance can be trifled from the people I know. However, this change really does hit big time. Although I've felt that a part of me disappeared, the remaining part of me learned a lot from my business. It suffices my everyday life, giving me an opportunity to see myself as a very valuable & worthy person. I guess I deserve it somehow- being all negative, talking about stuff that I don't know where or whom I belong, always finding my purpose in life.

It's really surprising that people seem to talk about the things you've done that they do not approve rather than the good stuff you did. Negative, that's the word I'm looking for. That is why we should not care about the ones who try to destroy your name, because if you know you're doing right, then there's nothing to worry about. If you feel good about doing something (how much deviant it can be), then do it! It's not their life you're dealing with, it's yours. Critics can never be fair, so why not play the game with your rules.

I know, opportunity knocks only once in our lives. Although there will be bad instances coming along the way, the things you know you  believe in, will soon be worth it. We have only one life, it's better to focus it on our way than to follow like a servant through the waves.

Never had I been devastated thinking that some abrupt rumors belong to those people I used to love. It's funny that people are really waiting for you to slip one mistake form the rest of your perfect enough living. As long as they're thinking about me, then I'm contented. We don't have to prove something from them, although it's evident that someday they will realize their mistake by what we will achieve from all of this.

It's officially 2009 in my little corner of my universe, & this year, all my dreams are coming true... at last... at the age of nineteen years old. :)

*Breathes calmly* Special thanks to all you readers out there. To my direct downlines Maria Felisa Fernandez & Lester de Fiest who never failed to protect my name, work for our future, lead our group with incredible leadership & stayed loyal until now. To my upline Rupert Mojica, for the best care you've given me in the business world & for not getting sick of my irrational & crazy thoughts & decisions, thank you. To my uplines who compose the MONEY TRINITY, Anne Bacho, RS Pinangat, & (my self-proclaimed dad) Mark Dapiton. You three have given me the opportunity to be a different & a better person than I was before. I'm one of those people who always think about you three every single day. The lessons that you've shared remain entirely from my being forever. To my downlines who gave me the hope to continue this business & the chance to change my life. To my crosslines especially Gilbert, Jerome, Joseph, August, JC, Jebs, Lalaine, Camille, Hazel, Rester, Paulo, & many more for accepting me the way I am, for sharing all the lessons you have learned, for motivating me everytime I get too emotional & for all the memories you've bestowed on me. Thank you for the loyal readers & supporters out there who also dropped some comments on my blog. I really, really appreciate it so much. Thank you again everyone! God bless & have a nice Wednesday! :)

Signing off, Contented Allan