Clothes Over Bros Presents...

The Runway is Ready...

The Stage is Set...

The Lights are Luminating...

The People are Pulsating...

For the upcoming event that will take all your clothes off...

Clothes Over Bros & Clothes Over Bros For Him presents...


Feast your eyes upon the bestest & most unique fashion creations ever. A show that will bring many suprises & upside down, topsy turvy fashion fever to the newest clothes that will soon hit not only to the nearest C/B stores, but to this century brouhaha. This is the event of the year that everyone is talking about. Not to mention the people who will be the voices of the fashion-must-be today- the most famous stars, singers, jetsetters, trendsetters, designers, & choreographers are all geared up to show & prove that clothes really do change the world.

Why 2008 Summer collection on the year 2011? These thought not only made many people curious, but provoked unto the mystery behind this year. Let's just say that perfection dates back from the train of ideas that will run the entire millenium. Summer will surely marked a different but beautiful era to world fashion in November 15, 2011.

This is the most grandoise event that you really shouldn't miss. Hosted by Box office King/ G.I. Joe actor, Mr. Channing Tatum & the not so-Desperate Housewives actress, Ms. Eva Longoria-Parker. The fashion show will be held at the Kodak Theater & will mark the most extravagant, historical, cherrywood-ambience fashion event ever. For tickets call 727-COBF (727-2623) or visit for more information.

The Runway is Ready...

The Stage is Set...

The Lights are Luminating...

The People are Pulsating...

To Clothes Over Bros 2008 Summer Collection Fashion Show of 2011