
Allan Aldrinne Rodesma Leyva
Born: January 20, 1990
Died: February 4, 2009
Reborn: February 10, 2009

This maybe the longest & most devastating absence I have ever committed in the blogging business. 6 days?! Now I'm not pretending to be busy anymore, seriously. I can't even remember how to sleep well. The past few weeks have been so problematically awing in my hysterical life- I can't read my novels, my phone is broken, I'm behind my projects & thesis, I'm nearly broke because of overspending, my pimples are getting back at my face, & my hair's effing ugly!.... I don't know what I'm doing in my life now.

Sigh! *Breathes* Enough of the whining! I still need to be positive & alert! One thing I learned from this business is that the more excuses you're giving to yourself, the more it would be hard for you to cope up with your problems. I should be able to get on with my positive side than to drown myself with pessimism. I'm still in the verge of the multiple mayhems syndrome but these too shall pass... these too shall pass.

Signing off, Allan :)