I had the best & probably the longest medical hangover yesterday at 4:30 in the afternoon.

One of the inspirations I got...
One of the inspirations I got...

When I was a little nursing student back at the year 2006, I was inspired pursuing my chosen course because of a drama series called Grey's Anatomy. I think Meredith made me realized that being in the medical field is way cooler than any other professions, so I also had thoughts about being a doctor too. Let's just say we have to take one step at a time.

From the start of my third year as a student nurse, I kinda got lost from the path I was taking when I realized that the only reason I'm studying nursing is because I wanted to make money & then I stumbled upon my business which is still going great by the way. Up until that day I made a decision to fly low in my studies & focus on the bucks. I also tried to balance the two opposing parties, but I failed.

On my first duty assignment, I was really overjoyed when I handled the nursery room in Cardinal Santos Medical City. The babies there were a lot cuter than I have expected, & they were the ones who cheered me up. I still remember my first patient- my baby boy "Siopao" whom I missing right now. Anyways, the rest of the duty days gave me an all new exposure that made me continue studying, although I'm still apt to continue my business. I already planned it actually- after I graduate I would continue building up my business rather than look for a job in hospitals. I NEVER imagined myself working in the medical field. My dream of being a doctor was just a thing of the past for me.

Then yesterday, something changed me...

Nurse Ryan was absolutely right when he said the OR (operating room) was the best place a nurse can get. At first I really wondered why but then again, I'm so excited when he assigned me to scrub in on a caesarian section operation where you have to cut the abdomen to get the baby. After the review of the surgical handwashing (which is weird cause I enjoyed it), the closed method of gloving & the gowning, I was ready to see the inside of an abdomen for the first time. All those memories of wanting to be a doctor lifted up my spirits again when I assisted in handling the bladder retractor, the suctioning, & some of the OR equipments.

I was in a medical frenzy of some sort- I can't take my eyes off the procedures the surgeon is doing, especially the stitching part. The best part about it was when the doctor grabbed something underneath the abdomen & out comes the baby's head! It was so cool seeing it for the first time. I realized that the operation took more than an hour but it felt like I just stood there for twenty minutes. I told my groupmates I never got sick or anything when they asked me if I got nauseous on my first time. The doctor-feeling just swept over me in the OR that I never even thought of the operation being disgusting.

It may seem vague at first, but once you found the path where you really belong, the way will just become clearer to you. Up until this point I'm still not sure whether to pursue a PHD after I graduated as a nurse but I'm open for considerations. At the age of nineteen, I'd still be able to do & experience a lot of things so I wouldn't need to worry about my future... I guess for its sake.

I'm still thankful that I experienced this & to Grey's Anatomy which got me here. Special thanks to the readers & advance happy birthday to my dearest friend (who I also am looking forward to pursue doctorate), Mark Anthony Jabalde! I wouldn't need to wish you anything because you actually have it all. Just stay as a person you were on the day I met you & we're here when you need us, just say the word. :) God bless & take care everyone! Have fun on the rest of the day.

Signing off, Allan Aldrinne Leyva, RN, PHD