New Blogging Season

Hey guys! It's a whole new LJ blogging season this month. I really needed that absence since I took up some things that increased my maturity level up to almost fifty percent.

A lot of things have happened after I took off from the blogosphere. To tell you the truth I have been posting some blog posts but I saved them as drafts. I was ambivalent during those times, & posting some private (more like emotional) things required me to think them over.

My absence here gave me a clean slate. It was good. From then on I became employed, which is going so well since I fell in love with my job; I attended a wedding... well, a wedding reception; saw a bunch of movies; watched a lot of series; focused on my physical & spiritual sides by doing Yoga, weight training & attending church every Fridays & Sundays; hanged out with some old friends; made a slideshow; recorded a song; & basically tried a lot of new things.

It was a whole lot of adventures. & I just keep on growing & growing (I wish I could also say that to my height though) that I decided to make the world my own personal classroom. There were a couple of bad dramas that have happened, but they were all trifles that I actually forgot what they are (lol). 

I also missed my blogging entourage. They actually helped me through a bunch of decisions. & blogging made it possible for me to relate to them.

Anyways, I have a whole lot of things to do this serene Sunday. But I'll keep on updating you from now & then. Gees I really missed this! I missed everyone! God bless & have a good day guys.

Ready for some blupdates, Aldrinne :D