I just want to give my appreciation to those who have been visiting my blog every now & then. It really means a lot & it wouldn't be called a blog (you know, public journal of some sort?) without all of you who sacrificed your time just to comprehend this blogger! :P
If you were with this blog two years ago, you might've seen some big changes & melodramatic dramas I've had. LJ became my own personal sanctuary, & honestly, I didn't expect ending up having to continue my own little adventures in text. I didn't' expect having a blog to define me too.
Before I put up my first blog post exactly two years ago, I was just a mere second year college student in GCIC. I was (how do you say this) a little bit off on the positive side of life. I was like bipolar in nature; one moment I was happy then so much devastated on the next. I did have my ups & downs here, huh?
I never thought that Friendster would make me one of their featured bloggers for this year, too... not really though. I just love the recognition it has given me. One of the recognition I did not like though- my controversial Youtube video. I really had a hard time moving on before & after that incident, but I really learned my lesson. LJ also made the newspapers (of course I'm exaggerating) when it comes to the networking business, which I kinda cooled down a bit when I was forced to make an unnecessary exit from my former school.
People weren't that much enthusiastic about Lefty's Journal- I can't blame them really, because I didn't really plan on having a blog in the first place. I don't even know how I gained so much energy to make this huge enough for Friendster, Yahoo & Google to show up in their search pages. One day I just typed 'lefty's journal' in yahoo then LJ would show up. I also typed my name only to find out I was part of an online site called 'Zoom Info Business People Information'. & to think I was being emotional to my posts before! (Crooked smile)
All in all, we have survived another year full of real entertainment- drama or no drama. On April, I mentioned about having to shape up to a better me & everyone has my word on it. I guess I became successful, huh? I did shape myself up because I needed & wanted to.
But you know what, Lefty's Journal was actually the one who shaped me up for good & I thank my Lord for giving me this constant balance in life. I really have to give my kudos to myself & to you guys as well. It wasn't just LJ who turned two years old today, not just me, but everyone of us.
I'm gonna be posting a lot more stories about MTNB & Tn'T, more compositions I've written over the last few weeks, & some of the testimonials & posts I've made during my absence. I think it would compensate all my transgressions to everyone of you. Thank you & have a good night!
Oh yeah, here's the piece of cake you've been waiting for... lol. Happy Birthday to everyone of us... happy birthday Lefty's Journal!
Cheers for the future years, Aldrinne :D
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