I really had a great day today! Despite the fact that I haven't had a long sleep because of the project & the movie I watched last night, it was a really one of the best days ever.
You know what, you can scratch those words I've stated from one of the last few posts. I ain't really sure, but I remember telling something about focusing on my studies rather than socializing. Obviously, I was wrong again!
Maybe I'm just, you know, faced with a fast-paced change that I couldn't even deal with new people. You know what, at least they still accepted this wayward kid who didn't really make a good impression on his first day.
Kinda think of it, it seems like everything is getting better.. so much better. The best reason I could think of was because I really don't deserve this turnover, albeit losing some of the people I really value, whether old or new friends. I respect their decision though- if they can't be friends with me then what else could I do?
Because I wanna be appreciative to everything now, I just want to give a huge shout out to my co-writer Isabel- she's a cool, really sweet girl who also has the talent in writing lovely music. You should hear her songs cause after I listened to her tunes, I was like speechless. I can't believe how this girl can do everything; she's one of the most brilliant people I know, she makes sure she doesn't waste her time (unlike me lol), & she's too mature for her age! & no she didn't ask me to feature her in my blog.
I'm also happy my little sister got her first mobile phone now! At least I can now communicate with my favorite girl in the whole wide world, next to my mom of course. I actually envy her... but not because of her new phone, but because she's really patient. This was like promised to her months ago & she willingly waited for this thing to happen. What a fine girl I'm raising, huh? Now she couldn't put that damn phone down now! haha
I just wish I could have my iPhone now, though I'm not really expecting. Just hoping, cause sometimes it's like I do deserve it but somehow I don't. The only confirmation I got was from my dad, who promised me that he'll finally teach me how to drive. Yes! I love you dad & I miss you!
I also want to give my loves to one of my best friend, Mark Jabalde! He's like my entertainment portal & my Inquirer when it comes to updating myself from my friends in my former school. He's also my arbiter when I was acting like a bad-ass before, so I really miss this guy, together with Lota, Bless & Ian- the people who truly appreciated & accepted my behavior. We'll have a reunion this month so don't you worry! :D
Mhae Co, Celine Leonardo, & Rachelle Ang aren't strangers too when it comes to my life right now. They actually inspire me to do good & become a better person. I also miss my best friend Karen Yap too- we chatted a few days back & I really want an 'A-Ka-Sha' bonding again!
Finally, I just wanted to give my big thanks NCM professor, Sir Jed, for helping me to haul myself spiritually. This guy's one of my the most amazing people that I have encountered. I really look up to him & he's one of the reasons that made me believe that this wake-up call was God's way of telling me to find Him again. Thank you sir! You really are God's faithful servant & I don't have to kiss up to pass his subject cause you'll end up mastering all what he teaches anyways.
SO I'm still gonna dance with my little sister from the hit Poker Face by Lady Gaga, which is my song for today! haha... I also recommend the Paradiso Girls who totally make lovely music! A shout out to my Aunt Gina too, & to my favorite 'cousins' Anton & Macky.. love you & miss you soo much! God bless & I hope you had a good day & will continue to even have more blessed days in the future!
Shaping in, shipping out, Aldrinne :D
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