There's something about Thursdays...

I'm trying to ignore the news today. I couldn't turn it off cause mom's watching it, & I hate jinxing a perfect day today, which I did not expect when I woke up restless. Oh my, a helicopter crash! That's just awful.

Anyways, Salutalk everyone! I really had a fun day today amidst these events that are happening in the real world. Though I've felt my day's not gonna be that productive, life really does have a lot of surprises in his suitcase, don't yah think?

I'm just happy that I think I've made a good performance in my preliminary exam today. I nearly dozed off for ten minutes during the 20th question, but I was on fire after that- not because I know every answer... I was actually running out of time! lol, stupid body clock! Well, guess that's the climax of my story.

So I made a very good impression today by showing up in school without the weird me, & yes! I didn't use my old backpack which prevented those people who wanted to talk to me before. lol I just thought it's not right for me to not be sociable in my new school just because I wanna focus on my studies this school year (which isn't really what I'm doing lately). 

It's actually nice to meet some good & cool people in the internet too. Yup! One of the reasons I didn't get to school earlier was not because of playing Waka-Waka only (lol), but I've also had a conversation, well, twittersation, with Rhalf Bediones. He's a very big fan of stalking celebrities in Twitter too, just like me, who's longing for David Archie's reply. Well, you could say we're Twitterwhores too, right Shane Dawson?

Honestly, I didn't even know how I got to be friends with 'MisterPokerFace' in Facebook. Like Gerlyn dela Cruz, a friend of mine, who showed up in my YM some couple of years ago, before we actually met face to face & enjoyed Plurking with the rest of the community. You should follow them though, together with my bestfriend Chellang, I recommend it. ;)

I've also been receiving tons of friend invites in my Friendster too. One of them even had a... (how should I put this?) maybe a 'tweet' for a primary photo lol. Of course I rejected it but I'm curious how they even found my account in the first place. Maybe because Friendster is actually promoting Lefty's Journal now, one of the benefits I've received from winning a nonexistent 'Chosen as blog of the year!' award in March. (They're so gonna make me take back those words) That or they're just blog readers too.

I also had a fun chat with my big sister Tania on Facebook... so it's not really confidential though, but I really miss our spontaneous lines & actions which only the two of us would understand. I wish I could visit her in Australia in the next year though, or the other way around. Cross fingers everyone! :)

Okay, am I way over my topic? lol Not really. To end a perfect sunny weather, my favorite professor's Thursday Bible study was amazing today! We enjoyed learning about God's love so much that we didn't even realize the time. There's something about Thursdays which constantly gives me a new positive outlook in life. Thank you Lord.

Anyways, I think I'm way over my maximum length for today's post, so I'm just gonna end it here & try to study for the prelim exam tomorrow. I'm thinking 'bout eating dinner too... hmm, come to think of it, I only ate a piece of pork & a chocolate today. I'm not Manorexic people! I'm just so occupied that I haven't had the time to eat. Anyways, thank you my fellow countrymen for the blog uniques yesterday & some of my readers today. You inspire me a lot you guys! God bless & take care everyone. Signing off...

Shaping in, shipping out, ALDS (whatever Ralph) :D


Ralph said...

ALDS, ALDS, ALDS...LOL!! Thanks for the shout out, I'm really enjoying your blog, you write really well and have interesting topics!
ako naman,
There’s something about Thursdays which makes me HORNY. LOL!!!!!!! JK
Peace :))

Hanz said...

Theres something about thurdays whch lets me ask myself what I do in thursdays anyway... haha
Sama ko sa vacation niu ni pat ah! :D