Like today; I woke up feeling like a mess cause I was up all night studying... yeah, not true. I was actually reading some sites about Michael Jackson faking his death. I know it's kinda mean for me to believe that maybe MJ didn't die at all, but when you actually read the posts from this site, the pieces actually fit, making it a perfect getaway for something Michael wants to escape from. I still respect him though, so whether he makes an entrance in the spotlight again in the next few years, then I'll be cheering for him.
Anyways, I finished reading the site at three in the morning, plus I'm still suffering from this annoying flu so I'm not really feeling school today. Good thing God understands us that we really need to take a break sometimes. Thank you Father! :)
I'm constantly loving the rain. While most people are hating it, I really do appreciate the rain.
First, don't you know that the rain actually prevents the spread of the AH1N1 virus? Yep, when the outbreak happened, it didn't really make a lot of scene here in the Philippines. Why? Because if you remember why we had constant raining during the summer, is because God cares for us so much that He doesn't want us to get infected, hence the rain.
& as I have said before, the rain is like the one that cleanse the earth. We walked on this planet for such a long time but never did I see someone mop the ground for no reason (because it's actually a crazy thing to do too lol), so I appreciate raining for that. Rain rocks!
Anyways, I've been having some weird moments & actions lately. It's because I'm kinda fitting all the pieces to make a perfect three part story that I've been making.. or imagining since I was in grade school. Yeah! I actually started as a writer but I'm better at composing... I think.
Oh yeah, many were kinda sending me some messages complaining about my previous picture (blurry) about my little angels... Aunt Gina's babies! So here's a pic of them in good quality. I miss them so much! Aren't they the cutest?!!! No wonder I was so devastated when I didn't get to have the chance to see them before they board the plane... I get to see them in December though!
Today, it's my dad's birthday! Happy birthday dad! Hope you're doing okay there & I wish you good health & more years so we could have more father & son bondings like fishing (something I never did), teaching me how to drive (next year when you get home, please?!), reading the same book since we're both bookworms, complaining to mom about our constant pain in our left scapular area (since I got that from you anyways), eating different street foods, bragging about how much our physical appearance is improving, & of course, celebrating our birthdays together in the future. We love you dad! Happy birthday again! :)
So I'm gonna hang out with my buddies here in YM for awhile then I'm off to do responsible adult stuff haha... my song for today is Angels by David James Archuleta, though I kinda hate him for not replying to my tweets. How hard is it to make a 140 character-statement just to show appreciation for a fan's efforts? I really promise myself to be a lot appreciative in the future.
My verse for today is really good. It's found on the book of Galatians 6:9. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. God bless & take care everyone! Just wanna say hi to my newest blog visitors from Guam & Canada! I sure do appreciate it so much! Love you guys!
Shaping in, shipping out, Aldrinne :D
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