Sorry doesn't seem to be the hardest word...

Okay, so I'm gonna make a quick post just to update you guys even though I should've been studying for our Audit Preliminary exams today at eight o'clock in the morning... what the heck?! I'm even playing Restaurant City now. lol
Anyways, I really felt awful last night & highly guilty not showing up at our dinner with my three high school best friends. I missed dinner & entertainment with them cause of my Audit class.

It really is a fun class for me, but it's too much energy-consuming. After I went home to check & make sure my grades from the tests we had are recorded & problem-free, I went straight to bed just to take a little nap. Now I know I suck at power naps. lol
I woke up at nine o'clock in the morning & felt so refreshed, then I looked at the windows & it's already dark outside! I checked my phone which I was charging the whole time I was napping & there were like ten missed calls I've received & a dozen of messages asking where the heck I am. I quickly stood up, feeling the adrenalin rush as I was going to the bathroom for a quick shower while making a text message. I think I kinda frightened my mom from that stunt.
But just as I was turning on the showers, my body quickly gave up chasing time. I erased the message about going there asap & changed it to an apology. I still have tons of lectures to read for my preliminary exams for Audit & though I really wanted & needed to hang out with them so bad, I guess I felt bad just missing out.
So I planned to study the whole night instead. However, I wasn't really feeling good so I picked up my Bible... actually, my little sister's Bible for children & read all of Jesus Christ's parables. I kinda like the one with the widow & the judge which is all about praying, the other one about the shepherd & his one hundred sheep & the other one about a servant who owes a large sum of money to a rich man which talked about asking for forgiveness & doing the opposite thing to those who have wronged him (technically, it's not really 'forgive & forget' but more like 'forgive & be forgiven'). It really calmed my nerves after reading the parables.
Just to empty my mind while inculcating Jesus' teachings, I just did all of the chores I wasn't supposed to be doing for my study time, clean the bedroom & shared a parable (the one with the prayer & the judge) to my little sister. Though she's not really 100% having fun, I've still felt the presence of our Lord as I was sharing it to her.

Because of that, I already picked up my Bible- it's really nice that I have a good Bible even though it's translated into King James version, though I personally wanted that version years ago than the NIV, I don't know why, but it sounds more interesting reading the KJV instead. It has also a feature- it's like a guide about where, when & how to read the Bible. Then I started reading the book of Mark which is like a fast-paced story made for an impatient audience & focuses more on the miracles Jesus Christ have done.
Anyways, I've read the first three chapters & it's really amazing how Jesus Christ shared the Gospel with intellectual words, & how He healed the sick people from that time.
I tried to study again but it seems like I have to retire now, so I got up, brushed my teeth (I sound like a kid lol), turned the alarm at three in the morning, & went to sleep after a good conversation with God.
I'm not really putting up a show by saying I'm reading the Bible just so people could tell that I'm religious or to prove I'm better, no. I just really want you guys to try reading the word of God. It really gives you a feeling of contentment & all the hate you've been carrying will really vanish. That's what happened to me awhile ago. Because of that, I texted the people whom I had unpleasant moments with & just said sorry not because I had to but because I wanted to... from that moment I felt at peace. Sorry isn't really that hard when you know everything will be better than having to hide yourself from your mistakes. After some conversation with Mhae through text, I dozed off.

I woke up at like 2:30 in the morning so I could start studying & get to talk to my high school friends, if they're still awake. Crappy YM doesn't work this morning but Chellang dropped me a tweet saying she was still awake so we ended up talking on Twitter lol. We just had our first Tweetersation (I love inventing stuff with Twitter) there until she said she's gonna retire now while I'm just scanning through my notes. I also received a good verse today from Christ Notes from the book of John.

I thought about not sharing it to all my virtual network communities cause I have this feeling that people will just roll their eyes on this one, & that I don't want to be accused as a false follower- sharing the word today but is actually sinning. However, I remembered (just now actually) reading the parable about the mustard seed & the story about a servant who invited the normal (or not really rich) people after the king heard that the people who were originally invited made some excuses just to turn down the invitation. I also remembered the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 13.

The mustard seed, based on my memory, was about our obligation to share the Gospel of our Lord so you would spiritually multiply & be saved before Jesus' second coming. About the king with the servant, it basically talks about how God doesn't really push people unto believing His word cause He gave us free will, & it is our decision to follow God & make Him our Lord & Savior.

After remembering those parables, I decided to share the verse on Facebook anyway. I really want you guys to understand that the Bible is our weapon from all those non-believers whom we can share the good news with & also the answer to all our questions.
Start by reading some verses according to different categories- just search for a guide in the internet, I'm sure there's a lot of it. If you want you could also read the books filled with beautiful poems like Psalms, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes. Okay, so it's not really the length I really planned for today's post but I'm just so happy & eager to share this with you & update all of you guys.
I just wanna say hi to my readers from United Arab Emirates & the Philippines. You guys were actually the constant visitors for this week so thank you for the support. Song for today is To Be With You by David Archuleta (I was tweeting with him awhile ago & can't help but listen to his songs). Verse for today is John 14:21- "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him." God bless, take care & have a nice day everyone!
Shaping in, shipping out, Allan :D