Megaman X The Movie Reviews


Everyone thought that it's just a rumor that a movie based on a game is going to have a movie. It finally did & we all know he earned it. With a ridiculous billions of dollars earned by the collection of the games itself, one of which (x4 from Playstation) who collected 9.6 million dollars, Capcom owes a small blue boy big time! Megaman, finally, has its own movie!

The critics have been predicting this movie will come up since June 2009 & they never let the company of the game forget it. Gamers all over the world got so hooked up with the series of games that gave Megaman the chance to reign the fantasy world, next to Nintendo's Super Mario.

Why does the critics urged the company to make a movie about X, & how did the game become so popular in the first place?

Since Megaman took its appealing toll from the start of the X series, Capcom gave so much attention into designing a game that revolves with a story. Along with different stages, the characters received some cool different powers for the gamers to not be bored with Megaman's constant 'buster' cannon. The X series evolved with constant plot, but the improvisations of the character were built to constantly lure the people to the game.

"Story," Tokuro Fujiwara, the leader of the game designation of Megaman, said "is the most essential part of having a game that can be a certified hit. Along with the story is the possibilities of the character to acquire certain upgrades to constantly entertain the gamers all throughout the world."

Mark Steven Johnson, director of Dare Devil, said that Megaman is already a famous icon to the world today, so it will definitely not fail the audiences to not keep on seeing it. "With Leyva & Henney playing the roles of X & Z, this film can be a successful hit."

"It was the only thing I am hoping for to finish. Never had I been so much draining my energy just to finish a scene from the movie, & all those times we practiced Martial Arts & boxing were all worth it in the end." Allan Leyva said in a statement.

So why did Campcom released a movie just now?

Critics are still in shocked by what Capcom have stated. "We actually killed two whole years just to make this film's story a very very fascinating & beautiful one. Warner Brothers made it so much perfect when the movie was finished." Fujiwara told the press.

Well! That really got the audience excited. This movie is sure not to be missed by every gamers in the whole wide world. Prepare to feast your eyes on Mr. Blue Boy himself, Megaman X. The film will be running the theaters in March 3, 2013. Visit for more information & tickets.