The aftermath- a wheedling enormity that comprises my uncertain mixed emotions about how the critics give their fair share to my bauble-like mind. It's actually a low duress sin that should've been ignored at the time I started to do the business.
I was bruised & took a long way to success so I'm never gonna give up now, now that everything has finally rested into place, now that I'm building my business as a strong empire not only for my dreams but for my downlines' too.
Another aftermath was how we could've been in touch with each other. It's been months since we ended our relationship & I admit that it's all my fault. It's a certain kind of friendship no one could ever find, & I broke it. Although if that person only knew the truth behind my deprecating goodbye, probably we ended up still having a good relationship, no matter how vague the future can be.
The aftermath- this is probably a matrimony of weakness & negativity. It's more than a phase, it's an event where a person would be discouraged enough to be demotivated to do something that can really help him in the future. A regression of an exultant life. Am I still gonna be affected by this?
Signing ALLAN off
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