122nd Song- Push Myself to You

There was a point in our lives that we asked ourselves why do we have to keep pushing ourselves into people who never like us for who we are. I know that feeling...

Push Myself to You
Allan Aldrinne Leyva
We all had
Twenty minutes then it’s gonna be late
We could’ve solved this problem but you ran away
I’ve been fighting just to prove that we have
Love that compelled all the hate we had
Somebody made me think this way
It’s your fault that you made me wait
Just put yourself into my shoes
You would see that I am apt for you
Why do I have to push myself to you?
Why do I have to push myself to you?
You got me wrong
I’m not that strong to push myself to you

We all had
A vindication that I kept for today
A little figure that can make you say
You’ve seen the light & all the entities
That can truly better end a scene

Somebody let me say again
It’s your fault that you have amends
I’ve put myself into your shoes
You’re right, I better end this to ruin
(Repeat Chorus)

Why do I have to push myself to you?
Why do I have to push myself to you?
(Repeat Chorus)

We all had
Twenty minutes & it’s gonna be late
For a love that will result to hate

Constant Blasphemy

Ever since I was born, I already made some of my best & worst qualities that guide me in living a good, somewhat normal life. One of the best things I could ever do is blend in to different people- not that I’m a pretender, I just noticed that I can relate to people with varying characters. 

Although I’m certain about me having good qualities, I also have these sets of… you can say ‘talents’ that I am not quite good at. One of these was defense.

Kismet- Trust in rust
Trust in Rust

The continuing aversion against me stealing something valuable is getting stronger. I have no idea what to do or how to look for it, because I’m not the culprit- simple as that. I just can’t go into circles defending myself, not because I’m also not that good of it, but because I’m not gonna continue wasting my time telling her I’m not the one who stole it over & over again. It’s pretty damn tiring, annoying, & depressing that all I have to do is look at her saying I didn’t do it without any strong alibis. If I did steal it, I would have the heart to tell in front of this person’s face that I did it. You don’t know how much I’m hurting from all this pin pointing, am I that horrible to take something precious away from someone I really care for?

I apologize for all the things I’ve done wrong in my entire life, but to this I will never say sorry nor beg for forgiveness because I’m not the one who’ve done it. All I could ever say was that, period. I don’t want to push myself into thinking maybe I did steal it because of the building blame that is getting worst already. 

I’m not that good at defense, but I’m certain I’m much terrible at stealing. Just keep blaming me so in the end of all this, when the culprit emerged from somewhere to give her precious thing & guilt back, I would never even say a  word like ‘I told you so’. I’ll just keep being silent, torturing your guilty mind. I now forgive you for blaming me for it; I know the feeling of losing something too. However, I would really have a hard time forgiving you for not trusting me even though I’m the only person you should bestow your reliance with. I could comfort you in times like this but you chose to let me be the suspect, & for that, I already have the intuition that I have failed you, not the other way around.

Chew on that.

Lost Not Found

I was always the one who have to undergo the bruises & the stabs before something turns out. Although there's this guilty feeling that I should've been acting good in times of losing something important in our lives, I'm just emotionally hurt that there are ones who can't control themselves & point my finger at me even though I never had any history in stealing.

Maybe it's natural for people to find someone to release their anger with, however, is it ethical to just let me be the culprit everytime? I know I have these certain bullets to defend myself from these allegations, but I value respect so much that I cannot even get a rebound from all of the aversion & misconception.

& even if I had that thing... I should've given it now!

It just hurts in my part that I will always be the recipient of other people's tribulation. I experienced losing something... a lot, so I know the feeling. However, I can't just point a finger at someone & call him names or something like that. It's just so wrong.

I have a lot of things to do tonight & I guess I will never get it right...

On Vacation

I guess it's time again for me to get some break... from business.

Yes! It's true, although a couple of weeks ago I said that I was gonna make a balance between my studies & business, I seriously just couldn't do it. Both parties take some time & I just have to narrow it down into one. It's sort of a vacation from where I work, & I guess my business is still gonna grow even when I'm not around.

I still chose studies first because, truthfully, I really miss being a know-it-all. It may seem that low or kinda ugly, but this is the Allan I was once being referred to; I'm one of the students who passed the exams, or one of the students who become of the highest, or one of the students who can make a promising mark for his grade, or even one who listens attentively on his teacher.

I surely miss the special mention of your name as the highest awhile ago when my professor told me I got the highest grade from the exam that we took. I'm not being boastful but I really really miss the crave for recognition.

Ever since I started the business my life took a better turn. I just can't believe until now that a few people admired me by doing this business. To tell you the truth, I wasn't even getting tired doing this shenanigans- all those talking & earning- I was really happy when I'm always there. I had an intuition that I finally found a second family & the best of friends I got there were now part of my circle of trust. I still remember my birthday (because it was seven days ago) that all the friends/business partners of mine greeted me thru SMS altogether when the clock hit twelve o'clock. I actually didn't had any sleep that night.

I'm really thankful for finding UNO.

God bless & take care everyone! Still had to make an html for my website for my CPU project. Have a Thankful Tuesday today. :)

Signing off, A

Bipolar Disorder

I got tensed when I opened an issue of H&L (Health & Lifestyle) while waiting for my brother to unhook the DSL cord from the computer so I could use it in my laptop. The title says 'Suicide risk greater in people with bipolar disorder' by Rodney DP Dalisay, MD, FPPA. I was a little alarmed from the title, maybe because I had had suicidal thoughts before when I was incoherent & so depressed- I actually stated having it here in my blog.

Bipolar disorder was previously called manic-depressive disorder because the condition is characterized by high (manic) & low (depressed) episodes. However, it is not a single disorder. It is defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood referred to as mania. The patient may also experience bouts of depression.

I was a little worried when I came across that paragraph. It occurred to me that maybe I am having this disorder. I know I may seem happy (because I am), but some years ago I kinda experienced depression in the lowest days of my life. I wasn't very proud of it but I know I became emotional when I was in high school... I just didn't show it that often.

Maybe I have the disorder... maybe I don't. Bipolar has no single cause. Many factors act together to produce the illness, such as genetics, environmental factors, as well as psychological & social factors. In my case, I know that I had lived a good high school & college life, but of course, there are certain circumstances when everything just got so wrong- I don't know, but maybe I was always looking for the bad things that happened to me rather than the good things. Although now, my life is in flux with happiness, but I was hoping that this disorder will not give me enough reasons to think there was something wrong with me.

Special thanks to all the readers out there. You can drop your name in the Mark My Mouth Section of this blog so I could know the names who visited in Lefty's & in Allanned! God bless & have a sunny Sunday. ;)

Signing off, Hey! A!

Eclipse to Breaking Dawn

I usually begin ignoring a book I'm reading when I get so busy with my studies, & now, with my business too, so I was really overjoyed when I finished the remaining half of Stephanie Meyer's Eclipse, which is the third book of the popularly known Twilight Saga. I finished the book by a three week range.

All for E & B

Although I was kinda tired that night (& day), I was really determined to finish the book. It was not normal for me to finish something that long. Usually I just finish the book within a day or two if I'm really hooked up on the story.

Meyer never did missed another turn to entertain me as a reader. Even in the third book, I was still moved by how Edward & Bella love each other, even on Jacob too! Bella was in between fire & ice- although the sun (Her Jacob) stitched her broken heart from New Moon, she would rather (no doubt) choose the eclipse. That's how it got its title. :)

I think reading just became one of my primary forms of killing some precious time, next to designing pictures in the internet. I guess that's better than just lying all day at all... although I need to get back to my sleep as usual. My eyes were determined to rest now & soon I have to give up eventually.

At least I still got Breaking Dawn & (maybe) my adobe acrobat reader of Midnight Sun, which is all about what Edward was thinking. I began reading the first page & dang! the depth of his words is to die for... considering, he's already a vampire. Let's see what this is all about.

Now I'm focused on Bella's wedding, & the fate of her Mercedes! Woot woot!

Signing off, Allan Cullen... really desperate to transform! :)

Non-existent Amends

I never changed... I just added some few strong personalities.

I remembered the days when we used to play games at the arcade after classes, & just hang out anywhere all day just to kill some time. I even remembered us studying together, having a quarrel to each other, motivating each other, walking together, sleeping over at each other's houses & imagining the things we want to have.

That phase was over.

With my brother... :D

Now we just looked upon that days as if it was all a dream & will never gonna happen again. There's so much things that have changed... all but my personality- it never really transformed from a normal crazy person to a... I don't know, a still normal crazy person? I really just made a couple of personalities to let myself be a better person. I also didn't mind now the blasphemies they were throwing at me because I now know myself. I'm feeling positive & will always be positive even if stuck in a bad situation.

I surely missed the way we handled ourselves through guiding our friendship & most importantly, our unique bond which gave us a touch of quality. Although today we just glanced at each other to have some small talk in the school hallway, never forget that we already passed the best friend stage & entered brotherhood.

I never will intend to insult your thought, but as my defense, is the one who really did change was you?

Let's still take the path together... Weegy-Allan :)

The Aftermath

I kept thinking about the ramifications that swept its way towards my ever changing life. Actually, it really didn't changed... it just added a few strong points that gruffly attracted some deluded minds & judgements in the process. Seriously, they were already judging as if they know what I'm doing.

The aftermath- a wheedling enormity that comprises my uncertain mixed emotions about how the critics give their fair share to my bauble-like mind. It's actually a low duress sin that should've been ignored at the time I started to do the business.

I was bruised & took a long way to success so I'm never gonna give up now, now that everything has finally rested into place, now that I'm building my business as a strong empire not only for my dreams but for my downlines' too.

Another aftermath was how we could've been in touch with each other. It's been months since we ended our relationship & I admit that it's all my fault. It's a certain kind of friendship no one could ever find, & I broke it. Although if that person only knew the truth behind my deprecating goodbye, probably we ended up still having a good relationship, no matter how vague the future can be.

The aftermath- this is probably a matrimony of weakness & negativity. It's more than a phase, it's an event where a person would be discouraged enough to be demotivated to do something that can really help him in the future. A regression of an exultant life. Am I still gonna be affected by this?


Signing ALLAN off

12 o'clock in the 'Mourning'

As soon as the clock hit twelve o'clock, the vague appearance of my happiness started to disembark for the mourning period to come & fill its course into an end of something precious... life.

I don't know what to say to someone's someone who passed away. You can say I'm a little around the dark & twisty corner, but I cannot decipher what to say to a person who lost someone. Let's just say that I myself am not that good in convincing nor better in assuring that everything's gonna be alright. I'm just not that kind of person.

I think there was a time I had to talk to my classmate in elementary about how she should be happy that her grandfather died. I meant to deliver that she should be focused on the celebration of life- how her grandfather lived with greatness- rather than the agony of death... I failed to deliver it well.

The reason why I had to suppress myself into not seeing someone who just had lost someone is because I'm not that good at comforting someone. I feel really bad about the fact that I'm not good into talking to people. I'm also not good in confrontation, I rather prefer living in lies than finding out the truth. My dad, for instance, is whom I can't directly tell my feelings about how much he had hurt us for leaving to start a new different (maybe much better for him) family.

That's why I didn't exactly got happy today in my birthday, because if I did had a wonderful time today, I could hurt someone in the process. Why celebrate when they are mourning?


20th of January 2009, 12:00AM, Tuesday

All I have to say is that this maybe the best & most happiest birthday of my entire life, other than my ninth birthday of course... but let's see if this one's gonna beat it...

There are so much people I wanted to give my appreciation to, & I seriously know that it's gonna take forever. Although of course, I wanted to officially thank my parents for bringing me into this world which I considered my home & my playground. Even if at the early stage of my life I already became susceptible in every tribulation the world had offered, at least I know, when I became older like you guys, that I lived a good teenage life.

Kuya Champ's Birthday Greeting!

Although death is prevalent these days, it's really not about how you passed away, but how you lived your life. So whenever you're still living the life you got, then trust me, make the most out of it. I don't ever have to say this because you chose a path where you think you can belong, but all I'm saying is that if you think it'll make you a better person by taking a different direction, then go ahead! Take some risks... & in the end, you'll be happy & contented.
Although I'm also bombarded with so much problems, let's just say I'm always focused on the blessings that God is giving me until now. Pessimism will never take you anywhere, so why care about it, right?

Anyways, again, I just wanted to thank everyone who became a part of my life for twenty whole years. From the age of 0 to 19 years old, this Allan's never gonna forget what you've done, even big or small, that changed me & hauled me on becoming a successful man of today. I love you guys!

God bless & take care everyone! Saving you a piece of cake! ;)

Signing off, Allan Aldrinne Leyva, 19 years old

Confirmed! Efron & Pattinson to Join MTNB Encore

January 15, 2013- It's confirmed! Actor Zac Efron & Robert Pattinson will be joining the boat! The two will co-star on the movie Meet the Newest Beatles Encore, the sequel of the famous MTNB which crazed its way up to the movie hot list & raved up to be the 'movie star' of 2009's 85th Academy Awards that will be on the 17th of February at the Kodak Theater together with the gentlemen of four Daniel Radcliffe, David Archuleta, Allan Leyva & Jang Geun-suk.

"The all star cast is the hottest house a movie can make today." Robert Zemeckis, the director of MTNB, stated. "The story have also gotten seriously exciting & different. With Zac & Robert on the movie, I think this one's gonna leave the mark as the biggest blockbuster of the century." he continued, seeming confident now to finally mention the two stars' name not like before when the roles were still a mystery to the public.

So the movie will be about SIX Beatles now?

"Let's just say there will be complexity on the movie. It's a complete overhaul from what we've done before, & it's going to be a lot different from the first one." stated by Allan Leyva who's also promoting his newest movie of the block, the superhero Megaman X- The Movie. "I'm also excited about the Oscars; I'm really apt for claiming an award." The Lucky Evo star was also nominated for best actor award for his role on the movie, together with co-star Daniel Radcliffe, Will Smith, Channing Tatum, Hugh Jackman, Chad Michael Murray & Patrick Dempsey.

"Eagle! That's my character in MTNB Encore. It's really funny that I'd be able to join the movie albeit the issues about them (the producers) picking over David A. instead of me. I guess there's so many surprises in store for 2013." Zac Efron stated, really happy about the film. "I recently talked to Allan & he said he was very excited about it. He's such an amazing person & I looked up to him, to think that he's younger than me."

Pattinson on E! also confirmed us the news. "I was really overjoyed when my manager said I was to join MTNB Part 2. I even asked if it's a joke or something. I really wanted to experience this whole new level of work, & it's such a privilege to work with the biggest stars of today." He said, catching the role of 'Oliver Ryle Eastman' on the movie.
Can David Archuleta finally breathe from the solution of this issue?

"I'm really happy for the both of us- at least the issue will finally be put to rest. It's really a privilege doing a movie with the two of them, & to the original three plus our manager (Daniel Henney)." Archuleta said in a statement on E! Magazine.

Spell it out!

Jang Geun-suk made us realized why Efron was named Eagle Nathaniel Cade & Pattinson with Oliver Ryle Eastman on the movie. "Bryan Edworth for B.E.; Andrew Tennessee for A.T.; Lucky Evo for L.E.; Suk-eunkyu for S.; Now Eagle Nathaniel Cade & Oliver Ryle Eastman for E.N.C.O.R.E." he happily stated, just to clear things out for those who did not see that coming.

"The line up was pretty great." Daniel Henney said in a statement at the press launch of his new movie X together with Leyva. "The movie was all about dreams & friendship, now the sequel is much more complicated that that. You really have to watch it."

There were also some issues about Allan Leyva being axed on the movie to make way for the other two cast. Really?

"He (Allan Leyva) won't go anywhere." Daniel Radcliffe said, being sure of his answer. Pattinson also stated "Replacing him would be like taking the heart from the movie. He was the one who pulled the story & he deserve to be on this series up until the end.", already best friends with the Platinum Prince.
"He's the one who wrote the compositions performed on the movie & we could now lose our third Beatle." said by David Archuleta.

Critics then are impatiently waiting for December 14, 2013, the premiere of the sequel of MTNB. Actually, all the people around the world are dying to see the movie. The two actors will be joining the MTNB tour on the fall. It's still undecided if they'll also join the Clothing Concierto by Clothes Over Bros since Efron was already endorsing another clothing company.

For more information regarding the sequel, log on to www.mtnb-onthemaking.com & see the latest news & gossips about the movie. MTNB lives on! Also catch the Academy Awards if the MTNB cast will be getting some Oscars. Megaman X- The Movie will be coming up on March 3, 2013. For tickets & information go to www.X-themovie.com.

120th & 121st Song- Hunch & All I Need to Do

It's been seventeen days since my musical side gained some attention again. I composed these two songs yesterday & it was great! Well for me, actually. I also haven't had any time posting something here. I know I'm all about balance this year, but it seems that I can't handle carrying two stones at the same weight. I cannot set aside one of it, business & studies, but I'm sure enought that at the end of the day, my faith to success will remain just the same. :)
Anyways, here's Hunch & All I Need to Do...

Allan Aldrinne Leyva

We know this year will never wait for us
But I have trust
That you will see the rest of me in here

If love can see the biggest part of me
Then why can’t I?
Be the subject of your living amenity

I myself am wrong ‘bout silence
Silence that will give me some time
To prove that I am all you got
It’s sure that I could love while we are apart

Maybe it’s wrong
Maybe it’s true
I couldn’t understand the rules of playing games with you
Maybe it’s luck
Maybe you’re tough
I’m sure that you could see my hunch on you

The safest place you’d ought to be
Is that I’m me
Is it enough to prove myself to you?

& never had I been so much hauled
Just to cure
The need to see your face each & every day

You yourself are always in my mind
I’m surreal in your normal eyes
I’m sure we’re both in touch with our kind
(Repeat Chorus)

All the while we’re moving closer
Closer meaning we are apart
I’m saying hi right now
Each of my disturbing love
(Repeat Chorus 2x)

The safest place you’d ought to be
Is that I’m me

All I Need to Do
Allan Aldrinne Leyva

I have this feeling that’s giving me hope
To make us through alright
& in this quiet world where rumors start to roam
I know, in the end, we’ll be fine

Though I cannot make a single move
Or speak a word
It’s good enough for me to know
You gave me the reason why I had to continue
Living, fighting, comprehend
The things they never understand

Let these people think what’s right & what’s wrong
We can’t care cause they don’t make all the rules
I’m not prepared to haul myself & just ignore the truth
It’s been a life I cannot have nor pretend it’s good
If they could see the things I need, they wouldn’t be confused
I just love you & that’s all I need to do

If they can see the truth
To what I’m suppressing now
Like running through an endless route
I’m prepared to everything that God had given me
I’m standing up & running wild
I would never give a lie
(Repeat Chorus 2x)

I’m not someone you can just love & break you once I’m through
It’s been a life I should’ve had but I gave up for you
All the while I’m justified now tell me if it’s true
That everything that we have done, never means to you
I just love you & that’s all I need to do
I just love you & that’s all I need to do


It's more than considering 'kryptonite' or 'radioactive spiders', it's bigger than all the mountains of the world put together, it's stronger than gold, it's precious than dowries, it's better than material things. It's the only thing that keeps me intact...


I may seem to engrave my thoughts from my epiphanies but I'm trying to say something out. It's faith to yourself mostly; in everything that you do, I guess the only enemy is yourself.

It's indestructible & immortal. I could pass away but this legacy of my faith will remain intact.

Life from Success

When does a star shines its brightest?

Tribulation. Reputation. Commitment. Maturity. Trust. Implication. Discover.

These simple dictional words compose my music box today. Just months ago before I've begun my business- before I was transformed- it seems that I've been striving hard for something that I deserve for a long, long time. Since it's happening now, I've never been so thankful in my whole life.

The way I travelled the maze is rather a ruse-like structure just to destroy my fake faith which feigned my character of belief. The whole month of October inevitably gave me enough discouragement to halt this new way of living... but amidst the negativity it brought, whether self-doubt, I stood up with optimism, sinking my thoughts to success. Almost half of the people I love did not support me, did not believe me, nor did not stay put to save me. I did it on my own... the strength that I created alone fluttered its way up to my expected standards.

I began as my own strength. I am my own life. I started as a silent dreamer. I began as a protruding learner. Look what it got me so far.

"What specific reason that stops you from doing this business?" she asked me. "Nothing" I replied. Although that word nothing existed only in the latter part of my building succession, that is how I experienced fate finally fulfilling the promise it gave me. From a dirty old crap in the seas of junk into a rare self-made garnet of the orient, I overhauled myself from scratch... from nothing- the word which I replied, I experienced, & I have started to build something that is now enormously impossible to reach.

When does a star shines its brightest?

In the midst of every success in anyone's life, there were discouragements that comprise what we've done. We learned, finally... & still are.

God bless & take care always. Same routine again here in LJ & Allanned! Six more days to go to finally experienced another year of adulthood. Phew! ;)

In 365 days you experienced life, but sometimes, there's only a day where you experienced sole success.

Signing off, NLAAL   RANELNDI   YLAEV ;)

The Newest Version

As the waves of change start to bring an episode of tsunamis, I myself am willing to be carried away for a personality overhaul.

Inside my comfort zone, there's a world out there- A world with endless possibilities that will be different from what I used to see. Inside my comfort zone, there's a part of me who's wanting to be that kind of Allan; an Allan that will have time for everything, & eventually will buy time itself. An Allan that will cut the bridge of his past & focus on the newer one. An Allan that will never fail to bring out the best out of himself & to everybody. An Allan that will rely on God, himself & some people. An Allan that will take care of what & who he has. An Allan that will set aside complacency & will do whatever it takes. An Allan who changed for the best...

The storm may approach, but the barrier of my faith will remain covalent to my optimism. Some will... some will not... so what? Next!

Megaman X The Movie Reviews


Everyone thought that it's just a rumor that a movie based on a game is going to have a movie. It finally did & we all know he earned it. With a ridiculous billions of dollars earned by the collection of the games itself, one of which (x4 from Playstation) who collected 9.6 million dollars, Capcom owes a small blue boy big time! Megaman, finally, has its own movie!

The critics have been predicting this movie will come up since June 2009 & they never let the company of the game forget it. Gamers all over the world got so hooked up with the series of games that gave Megaman the chance to reign the fantasy world, next to Nintendo's Super Mario.

Why does the critics urged the company to make a movie about X, & how did the game become so popular in the first place?

Since Megaman took its appealing toll from the start of the X series, Capcom gave so much attention into designing a game that revolves with a story. Along with different stages, the characters received some cool different powers for the gamers to not be bored with Megaman's constant 'buster' cannon. The X series evolved with constant plot, but the improvisations of the character were built to constantly lure the people to the game.

"Story," Tokuro Fujiwara, the leader of the game designation of Megaman, said "is the most essential part of having a game that can be a certified hit. Along with the story is the possibilities of the character to acquire certain upgrades to constantly entertain the gamers all throughout the world."

Mark Steven Johnson, director of Dare Devil, said that Megaman is already a famous icon to the world today, so it will definitely not fail the audiences to not keep on seeing it. "With Leyva & Henney playing the roles of X & Z, this film can be a successful hit."

"It was the only thing I am hoping for to finish. Never had I been so much draining my energy just to finish a scene from the movie, & all those times we practiced Martial Arts & boxing were all worth it in the end." Allan Leyva said in a statement.

So why did Campcom released a movie just now?

Critics are still in shocked by what Capcom have stated. "We actually killed two whole years just to make this film's story a very very fascinating & beautiful one. Warner Brothers made it so much perfect when the movie was finished." Fujiwara told the press.

Well! That really got the audience excited. This movie is sure not to be missed by every gamers in the whole wide world. Prepare to feast your eyes on Mr. Blue Boy himself, Megaman X. The film will be running the theaters in March 3, 2013. Visit www.X-themovie.com for more information & tickets.

Superfluous Stupidity

You'll never believed how my day went...

Being a businessman (yeah right!) selling some products & stuff, one of my contacts ordered twenty pieces of slimming pills that is only available somewhere in Pasay. They were the only company which distributes the original slimming pills (so beware of the fake ones) & we kinda share some part of the company so... that's that.

It's not really big of a deal for me to get those slimming pills by myself, with my little sister knowing the way. The hard part is... getting there.

Okay, so I'm not over reacting when I said I had one of the worst days of my life. Actually, it's just an odd day, preferably packed with lots of misadventures & mayhems right there when you don't need it. It went well when I went to school to pick up the money for the pills, (we're lucky that was the day when the slimming pills were shipped from Japan, just like we ordered it) although we got caught up with the rain... it's really just a drizzle but we still got wet before we arrived at school. The rain was got heavy so I bought an umbrella, but it didn't really helped so much because we still ended up more wet when we headed to the Metro Rail Transit for the train going to Taft Avenue, near Pasay. Apart from being wet, (which is really a pain in the butt because I was wearing a sweater made from cotton that literally sucked up all the raindrops) I was also sweating from the long walk my sister & I took. Thank God I don't get body odors.

After we bought the tickets we headed for the station. Okay! I messed up big time here, because I got tied up which trains we have to ride. The station pavement was in the middle of two train tracks underneath the ground, so I wasn't really sure which train will we ride. So following my instincts, I settled for the left train which I think is gonna head us to Taft Avenue. I was surprised when I seem to recognized the place where we walked towards the station. We're going back! So much for instincts phle! I was so ashamed at myself being so stupid in front of my little sister... well it's kinda okay since we just laughed about it, although it's kinda annoying how long we should walk to cross to the other train station so we could go (finally) to Taft Avenue. Shobe also had her embarrassing moments when she accidentally slipped on the slippery stairs, I guess she learned her lesson about slowing down.

We eventually ended up at Taft Avenue & went straight to a clothing store first to buy myself a new school bag, where my laptop can fit. Then after that we planned to go on the right side of the road to look for the company since my little sister knows the way. We walked so long that it took us ten minutes & then rode a passing jeep. We then walked again for a couple of minutes & finally... my little sister stopped. I was really frustrated when she said she does know the company but she really have no idea where to go. Sheesh! I texted my mom to asked for directions after a long long walk & she said to ride a jeep going to Baclaran.

It's really exhausting finding some vehicles going there. I was so happy when we finally rode a jeep heading to the place where we should be heading to. Unfortunately, the jeep seemed to unload us in a hotel, which is still far from the company. My little sister still has no idea where to go. We again rode another jeep to asked for directions going to Baclaran church since the company is near there. I couldn't resist complaining about the dirty place they have & the people who doesn't seem to care about it. If you're there you would really have no second thoughts on planning to live there. After moments of searching & walking, we finally arrived at the said place. We took our orders & called mom for directions again. We rode the Light Railway Transit train going to EDSA station where Taft Avenue is located.

It's really really annoying when people get overexcited on entering the train when there are people who are trying to find the exit. Long story shot, we didn't get out when the station was finally there. I was so furious at those people who pushed me into the train again. We exited on the next station & planned to ride a jeep for convenience. To tell you again, I got really really angry from the people there. I even shouted excited fools at those morons. We rode a jeep again & ended up in the Taft Avenue station buying tickets. Again, I was irritated by this day when her ticket got stuck up at the entrance machine. No one even have the initiative for the staff to help us. After we solved the problem, we first rested inside the train before our station is up.

We got off at Ortigas Avenue & we walked towards Robinsons Galleria to go home & for me to freshen up before I go to the office. When we're walking, I accidentally stepped on a puddle that soaked my entire leg Damn it!

Well, bad news seems to go away when I finally arrived at the office earning three thousand already. To Mikhail & Able, I'm planning for you guys to be a part of the fast & the furious members. :) Everything got so upside down first but we eventually learned to control it. :)

Love me or love me more,

Signing off, Ey-Ley

Megaman X- The Movie

"What if you wake up, different from once you were in your memories... wake up with a titanium torso... wake up with a metal heart... wake up to hate... wake up to fight... wake up to be a monster... wake up to find yourself... a cyborg."

January 8, 2013- A press launch is held today at the Warner Brothers Conference Hall about the upcoming movie Megaman X- The Movie starring Allan Leyva as the famous blue robot & Daniel Henney as Rockman's counterpart Zero.

"The story takes place in the future where Reploids & Hunters are battling for the earth. It's centered on the birth of Megaman & Zero, how they've become as robots & their battle against Sigma." Allan Leyva said in a statement.

"I really became addicted playing all the Megaman series when I was a kid. So it's really cool to be on a movie playing a character you once idolized in every games." Daniel Henney told the press.

Megaman X was derived from a very famous game. The Warner Brothers Company together with Capcom produced this idea just to have a brand new 2013 hero. From the screening of Meet the Newest Beatles last year, the two actors became busy trying to finish up the movie. They reported that they were so happy finishing this film & they're very excited to see it already done. After that they are now set to shoot for the sequel of MTNB which is Meet the Newest Beatles Encore, where there are now six members of the band instead of the original four- Daniel Radcliffe, David Archuleta, Allan Leyva & Jang Geun-suk. The actors who will play the two additional Beatles are still a mystery until today, but rumors has it that Zac Efron & Robert Pattinson will fill in the parts, as to Rupert Grint, Chase Crawford & Jesse Bradford. Although, the four MTNB gentlemen seem to know who will be bestowed on that part. "Let's just wait & see." Leyva said as he smiled.

Megaman X will be screening at March 3, 2013. For advanced order of tickets visit www.X-themovie.com.

Appreciation. Business. Connoisseurs. Dreams. Epiphany. Friends.

It's been days since I got into typing again. I am so occupied with school works &, of course, my business. Although it's kinda tiring juggling two things in the same moment, it's still fun, exciting, & challenging for me because it's all very, very worth it almost everyday.

Ever since I got into my business, things have really changed. I'm expecting a trivial turnout from all of this because its importance can be trifled from the people I know. However, this change really does hit big time. Although I've felt that a part of me disappeared, the remaining part of me learned a lot from my business. It suffices my everyday life, giving me an opportunity to see myself as a very valuable & worthy person. I guess I deserve it somehow- being all negative, talking about stuff that I don't know where or whom I belong, always finding my purpose in life.

It's really surprising that people seem to talk about the things you've done that they do not approve rather than the good stuff you did. Negative, that's the word I'm looking for. That is why we should not care about the ones who try to destroy your name, because if you know you're doing right, then there's nothing to worry about. If you feel good about doing something (how much deviant it can be), then do it! It's not their life you're dealing with, it's yours. Critics can never be fair, so why not play the game with your rules.

I know, opportunity knocks only once in our lives. Although there will be bad instances coming along the way, the things you know you  believe in, will soon be worth it. We have only one life, it's better to focus it on our way than to follow like a servant through the waves.

Never had I been devastated thinking that some abrupt rumors belong to those people I used to love. It's funny that people are really waiting for you to slip one mistake form the rest of your perfect enough living. As long as they're thinking about me, then I'm contented. We don't have to prove something from them, although it's evident that someday they will realize their mistake by what we will achieve from all of this.

It's officially 2009 in my little corner of my universe, & this year, all my dreams are coming true... at last... at the age of nineteen years old. :)

*Breathes calmly* Special thanks to all you readers out there. To my direct downlines Maria Felisa Fernandez & Lester de Fiest who never failed to protect my name, work for our future, lead our group with incredible leadership & stayed loyal until now. To my upline Rupert Mojica, for the best care you've given me in the business world & for not getting sick of my irrational & crazy thoughts & decisions, thank you. To my uplines who compose the MONEY TRINITY, Anne Bacho, RS Pinangat, & (my self-proclaimed dad) Mark Dapiton. You three have given me the opportunity to be a different & a better person than I was before. I'm one of those people who always think about you three every single day. The lessons that you've shared remain entirely from my being forever. To my downlines who gave me the hope to continue this business & the chance to change my life. To my crosslines especially Gilbert, Jerome, Joseph, August, JC, Jebs, Lalaine, Camille, Hazel, Rester, Paulo, & many more for accepting me the way I am, for sharing all the lessons you have learned, for motivating me everytime I get too emotional & for all the memories you've bestowed on me. Thank you for the loyal readers & supporters out there who also dropped some comments on my blog. I really, really appreciate it so much. Thank you again everyone! God bless & have a nice Wednesday! :)

Signing off, Contented Allan


I know that once you have yourself a plan B, it's positive that you're not really that sure if your original plan was gonna last at all. There's this thought that ponders me all the time, what if, in the end of all this, there wasn't a new beginning after all? What if, even if it seems that you're calling is Nursing, you'd wind up having nothing but postgraduate tribulation?

What's plan B? It was set already, earlier than that of the primary plan. That is why I'm still sticking to this business; this is rather the first step towards a better life & reaching for a life that you want.

I'm focused, balanced, got my studies & business right, & I'm still standing with the ones who believe me when no one else seemed to care.

Let's have a wonderful year, shall we? :)

Signing off, Allan :)

119th Song- Brace Yourself

It's a new song for the new year!

Brace Yourself
Allan Aldrinne Leyva
Hold tight (Repeat 4x)

We’re getting fondly operated, something was wrong
The engine must be saying something, listen, come on
Hear the recollection of the news that they made
I sensed that blasphemies are getting out of my glade

Hold tight
You just have to hold tight
Arriving in a station on a wave of appall
They’ve always been destroying lives & now they fixed on
Appealing it may seem to me but scared if you go
Letting all the rumors creeping under your bones

Judge me now, but never touch her
Stop the press cons, I’m all thunder
Sorry for making you ponder
Brace yourself, it’s getting louder
Hold tight

In the rules of breaking them, it’s an eye for an eye
Hatred’s what I’m building up for being a fly
Leading me to no returns, I’m sure that you get
I’m planning to hurt you to the point that you won’t forget
Hold tight (Hold tight)
Hold tight
(Repeat Chorus)

Hold tight
One more step, then it’s pain that they’ll get 
I brought you into this world, so please don’t you fret
As for them, I’m all in rage, they can be a mess 
It’s like a roller coaster ride, so please don’t forget
Hold tight (Repeat 4x)
(Repeat Chorus 3x)

You really really have to
Hold tight
Hold tight
Brace yourself, it’s getting louder

Robert Pattinson & Zac Efron to Join The Next MTNB Movie?

January 1, 2013- As the cast are preparing for the concert of Meet The Newest Beatles- The Final Screening in Kodak Theater that will takes its course on the fifth of January, a news leaked on all over the internet. Is it true that Rob Pattinson, the star of Twilight & New Moon, & Zac Efron of HSM Series, Hairspray & the remake of Footloose, are going to join the Newest Bealtes Boat?

[gallery]Director Robert Zemeckis was surprised of the news, but even if there are rumors circling the Hollywood hallways about the two gentlemen joining the famous 2012 movie, he doesn't want to give any hints for the sequel of the movie entitled Meet the Newest Beatles Encore.

"It's true that we will be adding characters in the sequel of the movie, two members of the newest beatles actually, but I'm gonna pass on claiming that Rob & Zac are gonna get those parts for now." the director of MTNB said it himself.

Although the part two of the MTNB will still be running on December this year, fans & supporters are getting pretty excited that they cannot wait for the next movie to show.

Robert Pattinson also made a comment about the alleged role. In a recent interview on the set of New Moon, 'Edward Cullen' stated that he wasn't expecting it, but he's hoping for it. "The vampire business isn't very tiring at all, but if MTNB is hoping for another Beatle, then I'm really up for it, for a change." the actor said in a statement.

Zac Efron, on the other hand, was also surprised that an MTNB opportunity is knocking on his doors again. If you remember the issue about Archuleta bagging the role of Andrew Tennessee from Efron last year, the reason behind it is that 'maybe' the producers & the movie crew already planned something special for the Footloose star.

"I don't know if it's still true or not. I mean, I think there was a role for me that was being offered by the movie, but it will only appear in the sequel, so I didn't make any reactions on last year's issue about the Beatle role." Efron said in a recent interview from E!.

Daniel Radcliffe, the movie's Bryan Edworth, was happy about the gossip. "Rob Pat & I were already good friends since the Goblet of Fire, so if in case he'll be joining us in MTNB, then I'd delighted."

David Archuleta still doesn't know about the issues either. "At least if Mr. Zac Efron & I were to be in the same MTNB movie, then the role thing will be a thing of the past."

The two other Bealtes Allan Leyva, who's almost finish making Megaman X- The movie, & Jang Geun-suk, seem to have no idea of the news either.

"I so caught up trying to finish the X film, but I already know the story of the sequel. It was different but still great from the first movie, & I'd be happy if Rob & Zac are joining us." Allan Leyva said in statement.

"It's cool if the new characters will go to Robert Pattinson & Zac Efron. I couldn't think of anyone who will be more suitable for the role. Let's just wait & see." Jang Geun-suk said in a recent interview from Good Morning America. 

Also, there's already a new poster for the second movie of MTNB that they will be showing on The Final Screening. It's more like a first draft of the MTNB Encore campaign. Maybe they will clear the issues out about the two other big stars joining the four famous cast Radcliffe, Archuleta, Leyva & Jang.

The tickets are still limitedly available for the Final Screening. Visit www.mtnb-movie.com/finalscreening or call (42) 771-8340.


There are a few things we have done in the past that we regret more often than not. Even if things seem to go with what you desire, sometimes it could've been much better if you didn't lose or push it away. I sunk in a melodramatic ramshackle that reverberates in my head, being inured for all that letdown.

It's never really a choice or something, it's a sacrifice. Behind my outcome there are reasons that were deeper than any foray wounds. It just surprised me that in the midst of all that, she haven't had any epiphanies about the stymie. It's probably for the best... unperturbed happiness doesn't come often. The person deserves it.

In the end, we move on. Although pain is never absent, we must flout it to focus on what remains in our lives. There was never an ending to our existence, hope is still there. It's a new year... a new day... a new start.


It's a new year's delight for me today. Although I stayed up so late- like maybe five o'clock in the morning- my mom woke me up at eleven so we could visit her relatives. 

First we had our pit-stop at Sta. Lucia Mall to buy a gift for my two newly found friends Jhelo & Jhean who were the kind of kids that I want to have someday. We had so much fun from babysitting them in their home after a quick visit to the mall. I even learned how to play 'Pogs'.

I think parents should always bond with their children whenever they have the time- both parties could learn something from one another. I was kinda hesitant at first but I really am glad I went along. 

After that we went to Sampaloc for the said event. We bought some ice cream along the way (I'm guessing potluck?). The venue was jampacked with cute little kids. I didn't eat anything though because I already ate at Aunt Liezel's house.

The party was great! I even sang my favorite song 'Yesterday' by The Beatles, of course. My mom even joined in the karaoke moments by singing, with interpretative dancing, Madonna's La Isla Bonita. I never heard her sing so I was downright surprised that she has a good voice.

We headed home at ten o'clock in the evening & started preparing for the year 2009 family dinner. At this point, I'm so thankful that we'll be ending this year with full of blessings. God gave everyone another chance to set things right. My new header which I worked on for the whole night is devoted to my family, friends, UNO, God & to all you readers & supporters out there. Let's have another fruitful & prosperous year, shall we?

We shall... signing off, ALLAN

20 more days to go 'till my birthday. Sucks... I'm gonna be nineteen! Dang it! :P