Getting Tough

There are days where you can just forget everything & start anew. Life's been pressing you so hard to your limit & you just have to get way for a moment... to be better in the end.

Unfortunately... I'm not that type of person now. ;)

Yep Yep! I've been busy with everything... & if I say everything I mean EVERYTHING! You know, if sleeping is unimportant, I could've been married to my eyebags right now. Although I'm being a little lazy over the past few days, I think I'm getting back on the firey business again, especially that studies are getting tougher & tougher every minute. I actually had to understand all the doctor's order for our case presentation next week & its more than ten pages... talk about murder. & I was down right surprised when I figured that Prelims will be next week already, & I'm still not ready nor prepared for it, but as achi always said to me, I was never a failure... to tell you the truth, no one's a failure. People just pretend they are because they're giving up easily... I mean, look at me... I'm way behind studies, I have NRes to finish, business to fix, & money to save big time! But I ain't complaining, cause I'm still gonna show what's best in me. :)

Updates will be there until time & I met again. *Wink... God bless everyone! Take care always & have a great weekend. Special thanks to all the loyal readers out there. Thank you thank you for all the comments.

Signing off, Lan ;)


Elendil said...

Study is anyway better then working...Haha
Good luck and Thanks for your support^^v

Calvin J said...

Life is tough.... really gud that u have a positive hope...

Do hope that i can adopt the same attitude as u... or perhaps i really have gave up?
