As I've said, I spent a couple of hours reading it. Nine hours to be exact. That's normal... if you're a vampire. *Smiles* Now I feel like I'm friends with Isabella Marie Swan & Edward Cullen already.
Okay, I'm so past behind my bedtime- my sleeping hours & pattern even more. I could've stopped reading the damn book, but I can't. Every page was a surprise... from Forks to Italy. It sure had my imagination flared up on that nine hour text drive. It got me nocturnal, in a way, when I was so addictive in the Harry Potter series.
The time wasn't wasted though, it surely was better than having empty dreams or, worse, nightmares. Yeah! I actually had an unforgettable nightmare last last night, & it was scary... but let's just focus on the topic, shall we? Reading New Moon was all worth it- so worth it- that I even started reading on Chapter 1 of Eclipse, Ultimatum. The temptation got me reeled again, but lucky I was (somehow) to give up on my winning eyelids. I had to sleep eventually, right?
That's my form of healing, from all that has happened- actually, it's more like, taking a step back from everything. It is Christmas break, & I have to remind myself that resting is my top recreation than anything, but what's reading a book when I clearly am being educationally entertained, right?
Damn, I miss this. I miss the bookworm Allan.
Anyways, enough with the emotional bruhaha. I'm actually going back on the optimistic force again. I don't want to brag but business it still doing great, & I got nothing to be whiny for now, since it's also my cousin Princess's birthday! :)
Today's a very great day! I can always tell. Good day & God bless to everyone of you! Thanks for the visits & the comments, you don't know how much that brightens my day.
Signing off, Allan Cullen... can't wait to be a bloodsucker ;p
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