Allergy Elegy

It always bugged me whenever it appears in an important situation. It's really annoying the way my body reacts to the environment. For those of you who doesn't know what my allergy is, it's likely about the change of environment from hot to cold or the other way around. Not to mention my skin reacting to alcohol, not so much in shrimp anymore, & dirt + sweat.

Yesterday, when I was with my business groupies, my skin got itchy again. It's around five in the morning when it got worst. My skin was like a map, with huge bulging rashes all over it. Now I'm kind of in the process of rehabilitating, more like a werewolf Jacob in the process of turning to human again (New Moon). I'm a mess.

Although it's a good day for me to continue my business, I think I'll sit this one out. I'm a like a freaking zombie, having rashes all over me.

Anyways, a couple more days to go & then it's school again. The worst part about it is that I'm diving in the waters of responsibility again, not that I don't have any of it. I just hate that this two weeks of vacation could've been more... longer than I expected.

Try to enjoy the rest of the day, I know I would. God bless & take care everyone. Two more days & hello 2009! ;)

Signing off, A