An interview with the cast of Meet The Newest Beatles which will hit the theaters on December 20, 2012 has been released & will air on the third of November. The group are currently working for their next concert in the Philippines next week as a means of promoting their movie tour.
The interview was set on October 12, 2012 & was scheduled by solo. First up was the janitor-turned-singer Bryan Edworth played by the star of the Harry Potter Series, December Boys & Equus Daniel Radcliffe.
E! Mag: How have you chosen as the role of Bryan Edworth in the movie (MTNB)?
Daniel: Well, first of all, the role was really accidentally given to me. After my last play of Equus, my manager called me to ask if I was free for the night. He was discussing blah blah blah business & he texted me the address, I was so surprised when I landed into the WB building, but I already had the intuition that I was going to audition for something, & then I hit a couple of lines & then there I was. The singing part was hard, but it's okay.
E! Mag: Many critics were saying that you don't really have the talent of singing & that you're voice was dubbed in the movie?
Daniel: Actually, (coughs) after I was chosen as being Bryan, we already applied for voice lessons & training until I got better in singing. My voice in the movie came from me, I'm lip synching by my own voice. It was a little enhanced but it's original.
E! Mag: So what do you think of the movie?
Daniel: The movie was the best! From the start of it I already knew that this is the greatest film Warner Brothers have created. That 300 million dollars was all worth it for MTNB. Not to mention the bond of friendship we have made through each of us.
E! Mag: So you become close to the cast? If you would choose between the three of the lead stars, who do you think is your closest?
Daniel: I became close to the cast & the staff because they're all the best. Between the three I really am going for Allan Leyva because you would never find another Allan Leyva as a trusted companion & a talented actor, singer & writer. He's very open to everything & he can be serious at work & very funny when we go out. I sometimes call him "Direk" because he's always focus on working for the movie.
E! Mag: Would you say that this movie is gonna be a big hit?
Daniel: The movie isn't just going to be a big hit, this is going to make the world go bezurk! Imagine every lines & every scenes were being modified, reviewed & enhanced... you just got to see it because everything is just so great & the story will touch you.
E! Mag: Is the story of the Beatles the same with the movie?
Daniel: Actually the story of the movie is far different than the real life story of that of the Beatles. The reason why the title of the movie was MTNB is because we were like the original group, & there was a connection between the Beatles & on how we met each other in the story.
E! Mag: Is your role a challenging one for you?
Daniel: It is! Other than the training I undergo through, I think it's hard trying to haul yourself from, for instance, a Harry Potter to a janitor named Bryan Edworth. It's challenging because the role should have a feeling of triumph & sadness when Bryan is singing. That feeling is what I had worked on since the start of the shooting. Our director taught me how to create a different persona which is completely not me.
E! Mag: What is the feeling of being part of this soon-to-be blockbuster hit?
Daniel: You know, from the release of the movie I already had the feeling that this movie is gonna get us far. From the actors up to the staff, I already felt that the movie is gonna earn not just money but respect. You know, it'll be like a trademark to this generation today. We planned to expect that people will say our names accompanied by our names here in the movie. If you say Daniel Radcliffe they would say that is Bryan Edworth. If you say David Archuleta, he's Andrew Tennessee. If you say Allan Leyva, Lucky Evo. Jang Geun-suk, he's Suk-Eunkyu. That is what we were expecting.
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