200th Post

From August 20, 2008 to October 16 of the same year (today), many things have happened between me & the world out there. On these days I experience saying goodbye, being ignored, getting angry, being under the weather, being loved, being hated, under renovation, completing 100 songs, composing more than a hundred, getting a clean slate, partying, overhauling Leftie's Journal, starting another blog (ALLANNED!) & created cool fictional stories, . Not to mention the stressful activities I had because of school, the late nights I had to go through to finish something, & the Pila, Laguna experience which is so tiring but is all worth every minute of it.

Now, I again finished another fifty posts that have built my life for the past few months. I again finished another fifty posts that symbolized my voice to all the people in the world & my ears to hear what they have to say. These fifty posts have told my story. Now let's look on the bests lines & posts that I think is full of meaning & depth. Congratulations for another round of Leftie's Journal.

1. From the day my heart started to look for another one, I never became positive about love & such crazy stuff we feel when we’re possesed.

2. It was just something that was assigned to us back in highschool… "Write what you feel… & then give some tunes on it…"

It turned into some thing I sometimes do…

"What’re you writing, Allan?"

It gave me some security that everything’s gonna be okay…

"Allan… you’re writing a song again?"

It became my hobby…

"Wow, you have songs in your sketchbook already"

My sport…

"You’re suppoed to draw in your sketchbook.. not write songs."

My emotion…

"You’re becoming like your father. I didn’t notice you and your siblings got artistic genes from him."

My life…

"Woah! You have fifty songs?!"

My goal…

The biggest part of who I am…


To everyone of you who supported my songs… who knew I write songs… who love my songs… who lets me sing my songs… who borrows my folder to look on the songs… who save my songs in their usb… who smile when they see my songs… who just had to be part in my songs… who just had to be there when I write a song… who not knowingly was part of my songs…

To everyone of you… thank you so much. My music cognition & experiences just got me here. You guys got me here :_)

3. You don’t need to make a post longer… the right words can explain them all.

4. The last note in my 100th composition marked a new beginning of life… that just got so interesting.

Call it my season 4… where everything’s finally going to be a whole new turning point in my own reality tv.

5. Another day. Another song. Another story. Another tone.

6. It’s true that once you get involved in the battlefield of finding who to love, we really cannot help but to hurt some innocent people.

7. There were times when we need to appreciate the beauty of the world. Hence, we have to go out & be one with nature to commemorate the life that existed many centuries ago. It is a celebration of a complete transition of traditional fun! Altering the introvert character that we have indeed induced in our systems.

For short… we have to party!!!

8. xoxo A___N - Somebody filled this up already


The truth- This simple four-letter word isn’t really that simple… it’s way beyond complicated than everything that we can think of. I’m not saying that it’s bad to have this emotion, but having love in this judgemental world isn’t really a win-win situation for everyone. However, contrary to the latter, it’s good that we have love that happens to be concrete after all, not imaginative nor abstract.

10. "What if…?" never goes out of love fashion, but why do we have to think about it now. It’s so hard to think of anything that can ruin someone’s relationship & it’s harder for us to believe in it. So right now, let’s just focus on to "what’s now…" right?


What a person does affects his whole community. Ever heard of chain reaction? It’s the same as that.

Family dramas are so serious, it must’ve been a hit right now if we were on national television.


As I’ve said before.. it’s a judgemental world we’re living in alright…

I wanna be thru with stories about love with complicated situations. Hence, can they like take a word from hotels… "closed for renovations"…?


The most talked about topic on LJ is back… with another story from the block.

14. LIFE

What Ifs. Family. Gossip. Change. Friend’s Friend. Celebration

It all goes down into one thing… LOVE

& Love goes down to LIFE.

I hope you had a very good LJ moment

15. Message 26:

Dung, hu u r nd how much u mean 2 me nver changed nman ei, ul always b my dung kya, nd wil always b frnds, we may hav les tym 4 each oder, but stil, notn has changed in terms of hu u r n my lyf, dung gudnyt n, at gcing pko 2:30 bukas, hehehehe, slipwel ok

Outbox Msg 5:

ud always say things its as if it was easy. gudnyt

16. From the creator of the infamous song Make It Real, we are ready to present another beat that will make you dance all night long. Everyone, my 102nd song, Don’t Break My Chains

17. xoxo A L L E L Y A V A

18. The Runway is Ready…

The Stage is Set…

The Lights are Luminating…

The People are Pulsating…

To Clothes Over Bros 2008 Summer Collection Fashion Show of 2011

19. What a way to welcome the month of September! As we leave 2008’s August, let’s all inculcate all the memories, whether good or bad, that we have made & caught by the glimpses of moments.

20. Although I’m slightly looking forward to this event, let’s just say that I’m more on the person who, at the end of the day, whether he’s someplace far, just wants to go home & be comfortable enough to normally live in his own turf, plus I really have to catch up with studies now that Finals is entering, & hell yeah there’s a long test in Pharmacology that is waiting for us this Friday, so I’m just totally screwed up. You’re off to work for three days & you’re going back to school with a pharmaceutical problem… geez! No wonder I’m drinking now. *sips Coke*

21. I wanna say this again, I’m back from Pila! Woohoo!

22. I’m a total mess again, physically & mentally. What can I say… welcome to the world of college damnation!

23. It’s a good thing though that I still feel the inner childish in me, cause I still am young & dependent. Otherwise I’d be running through life just to catch my breath. It’s better to be off the line & into the waves, then being on the trench & far from the surface. If people think having a moustache right now is part of a man’s look to look mature, then I childishly point out the truth behind the fact which is a kid actually invented the razor, & the shaving cream.

24. Let time be still while I’m away. Let change be postponed while I’m out. Let love be consistent in everyway. Just to be sure, I’ll be putting all my trust in you. 

25. Prepare for another round of blog humour! Cause this blogger-wanna-be is ready for the blogging business again.

26. Yes! I charged my blog batteries big time! I’m prepared for post flooding again. 

27. DAY… not day… DAY

Today I’ve been blessed with two hours of sleep, nine hours & thirty minutes of class, & tons of school works to do. 

28. 3rd Year Student- Not Enough

I have a feeling that even though I’m already a college junior, I still have to learn & experience a lot of nursing brouhaha so I could showcase my mastery to taking care of everyone. Geez! I feel like I’m missing in action here.

29. Funny how things must never come to an end- with paperworks to finish & chapters to be read, I’d say sleeping is a thing of the past.

30. Here I am again trying to knock your cyber door, bringing you the mayhems life could ever get into. A techy hug to all of you people!

——___________==___== (?)

You might think that these lines & dashes are just typo’s, but it has a lot of meaning to me. This line represents my life right now. A couple of keys & boom! It narrates my whole life story right there.

31. Days can be a little harsh to everyone of us, but at some point you can finally see that shining light at the end of the tunnel.

32. It’s like I control my own Serotonin & just be happy as possible. I am my own opiate & that’s the reason why I could do things that make me jubilant! It’s not gonna stay for long but dang!

33. It all goes down to one thing… Faith. Your intrapersonal faith where you should be clinging to right now because you will never know how life can suprise you even when you’re sinking too deep.

34. Waves can be a little harsh, but what do you think surfboards are for, right? 

35. …Then there was an Allan who have seen the world through his own eyes fortificated from reality. They all deceived him from day one to the last dawn where he have found the things behind the fake ones. It’s all clear now; the secrets being exposed from the two compartments; behind the clothes; behind the smiles; behind the rumors; & behind the face. As he approaches confusion, change & anger, the stories that have been told were drenched into miseries- with his intuitive mind he realized that, even when the world is revolving in an opposite direction, he became dumbfounded from the driving & growing lies bestowed upon him. However suprised, the ones who did not mean any harm, who just kept a secret because of dignity, Allan did not opposed. After all, he just made a mark to knowing the people around him, & that’s recognition coming from him.

36. There were revelations.

There were recognitions.

A couple of tribulations.

Some allegations.

There were established & altered connections.

There were also different affections.

Lastly, there were failed renditions.

Then there was an Allan who have seen the world through his own eyes fortificated from reality.

& then there was an Allan who wrote it off his mind.

For days he left himself & never returned.

37. Did you ever had that feeling like you deserve something? You never asked for anything nor complaint about what you have, but you know inside you that every once in a while you have to treat yourself with something that will make you feel good. You were always on that edge where you have to immerse yourself to help those people in need, but after all their miseries that you’ve encountered & solved, there was no one to help you nor give you something in the end. I’m not really that needy but I’m still human, & I deserve something.

38. It’s all about rewinding myself as a form of hauling myself for good. The best part about it is that I’m having another clean slate here, even if it’s not the new year.

39. It’s kind of sad that the people you wanna be close with are the ones who can’t seem to have the acceptance a person can give.

40. I know I’m feeling a bit under the weather lately but it’s just the tired & stressed-out Allan who’s been talking about ignorance & false hopes.

41. It’s kinda simple but the words are so deep. THE REAL COLOR BEHIND THE COLOR. Kinda makes your thinking brain works, isn’t it? To sum it all up, there’s a story behind a story… & that’s what my blog is here for.

42. I know studies are my first priority, but come on! A night with Hale is all I really need to boost up my energy. & it’s so sad thinking that in all the excuses I could get, it’s always because of studies. I can somehow accept it if my reasons are somewhat better than school works, but it’s not… I have to face reality. It’s good that I’m doing my assignments now, but it’s also devastating to not take the night off to see my favorite local band. Sigh… oh well.

43. At this very moment, I could lose my faith.

I just wanna end my life & start a new one. The world is falling down on me. I don’t want to be the one who has to carry it around. I’m not the one the world needs.

44. At this very moment… I could rise again

A phoenix never intends to die as its flames wither its feathers one by one. Even if everybody thinks that its existence is gone forever, another one rises from the ashes to live through eternity. I am a phoenix, & I can spread my wings & fly again if I want to, if I get tired of suppressing myself to rejection & if I have the chance to stand up again.

45. My absence presented itself as a way for me to ignore the blogosphere for a few days & take a plunge into the realm of realization.

46. Sometimes there are instances where you have to suffer a lot just to finish what you’ve been doing. It takes a lot from you when you have to be responsible, but the saddest thing is that you’re always working for something you can’t even finish… plus you’re always putting the day off when clearly you have to assert more effort into things.


48. Having another 24 hours of being awake is really a bummer for my studies. I get that I’m so focused today but it’s really getting all my energy even though I drank two Red Bulls already.

49. I actually had a good day from October Thrreeeyyy!

50. LJ & LE

The original & The other

From Friendster to Blogger

Same content

Same author

Same blog

Same passion

Different Designs

The Journal & The Extension

51. There are things I have to focus on like dealing with my own life for a change & surpassing every trials my studies are giving me right now.

52. You made me a better person… & a bad one at the same time.

I lured you into my arms… & just let you go without your heart.

For this, I am sorry… this is not what I am.

53. For having you, although for such a short time, has given me the opportunity to see that everything was so right with you.

But I chose to be wrong…

54. http://allan-leyva.blogspot.com

This is my newest blog that I’ve been working on & it’s called Allanned! Catchy right? Not really hehe.

55. The ever popular Clothes Over Bros gossips have been spreading all over the city of New York & across the world, especially that fashion week is coming near, everyone is ecstatic about the C/B for him launching this month & the glamorous C/B fashion show to be held at November 15, 2011, Tuesday at the Kodak Theater.

56. Diversity just got interesting, life got complicated in both ways, & although studies were not that new, change became good being around them. 

57. Another round of Trigger is coming up… let’s see the different side of another me, & who knows, the people watching this.

58. However, we have the RIGHT to have DREAMS! & it is our right to get a large amount of money to pursue that dream. How? How can I have my dream just by working hard? I’m giving you the good news now.

59. The role of the characters were given to the best & famous singers/actors/models of the world today. Bryan was played by Daniel Radcliffe, Andrew played by David Archuleta, Lucky by Allan Leyva, & Suk-Eunkyu by Jang Geun-suk. Also with Mr. Daniel Henney as Suk-Eunkyu’s uncle & manager of the group Cooper.

60. October 13 2011- The news in CTV just confirmed that a few episodes on the 4th season of Gossip Girl will be shot at the Philippines.

The best 60 lines & posts I have shown... now take a look on the bestest post that I think it's good. From the previous three bestest posts I have chosen, they were under the category of "Everyday Life". Now I selected the movie Meet the Newest Beatles

Congratulations to Lefty's Journal! :D

Special thanks to Icey, Cathy, Karren, Mafe, Anj, Jeah, Charlyn, Chellang & Eric :)

Signing off

¨°º¤ø„ LEFTY'S JOURNAL¸„ø¤º°