Bad Epiphanies

Life would took you to wrong turns you have never experienced before. We are the masters  of our own fate... or destiny to make it sound rosier, but whoever said that obviously did not experience the consequences & the people that will practically negate you after we chose something. We are not the masters of our own fate, we simply take the bestest options life is giving us... because if we are, then maybe everyone in this world is filthy rich or probably problem-free.

Have you ever experienced waking up one morning & suddenly realize that you have been living in this world so long without any purpose in life whatsoever? Not to mention having the intuition that maybe there's a chance that you won't be able to reach for your dreams. Yes, these are all part of your doubt, fear & negative self-talk- the success killers & I know we have to be positive in every single day of your life, but what can you do when everything came crushing down on you? Would you just stay positive & hope for another good day?

You know, there's this thing about knowing things in general. Having the fact that it also has a fallacy for it just makes it more true. Lesson today- never insist defining a group in general se like a family. Never ever say a family is happy cause at one point there's one member who is devastated. Have you encountered a family where all the siblings are black sheeps?

Love & money would never even exist if you just wait for it...