Merry May-hems!!!

I never realized I've been blogging my life here for 6 months already, & it's a good thing to let my feelings be placed to somewhere I could read from this heart of mine.

The start of May was not really the day that I wanted it to be. I mean, I'm happy because it's my brother's birthday & he was enjoying every minute of it, but all day I'm so worried because this procrastinator (referring to myself) just can't handle studying 15 chapters of Nutrition & NCM for less than 24 hours. I'm so depressed because what I'm doing is not the regular activity of an 18 year old, but that's the consequences of taking up Nursing.

For obvious reasons, I'm always distracted from studying... like writing here. But I don't consider blogging a bad habit, I think it's  already a part of my daily activities, & it's not really time-consuming but time is so cruel.

I'm also blaming school. Can't they imagine we're being dragged around from 8am to 6pm with 2 hours of going home & still be opt for going to school the next morning? Can't they at least think that we're only sleeping for less than 5 hours & give us only one day to study two major exams? Can't they imagine that this day that the school gave us is only for us to rest more? Can't they realized that we're studying 500 pages of Nutrition, NCM 100 & Microbiology for only a day? Geez, what the hell is happening to them?

I know taking a little challenge is what I love but dang! I took this 'little' challenge 3 weeks ago... you know, summer school from 8 to 6? I just don't know what to do anymore, I'm brain dead but feeling every pain of it.

Only nine hours to go until the exams will start, & I'm so not ready for it. I got to stop procrastinating cause it's gonna kill me even more. I'm expecting a tombstone in my chair later in the exams.

To splur things up a bit, I'm happy that my David A. is still on the track. I didn't like his performace but I'm happy of the results. I know that the other David is gonna win because he deserves it more that David A. does, but I have always looked forward to seeing David A. after American Idol...

Anyways, got to set my priorities straight, I'm maybe skipping a post tomorrow to burn my eyebrows in Microbiology for the midterms on saturday, but wait... what's the use of burning it when you have no eyebrows because of Nutrition & NCM100 Midterms tomorrow? Just kill me now... please.

Special thanks to the people who visit my blog. You already know who you are... :D

God bless us everyone & Good night.

Signing off... Happy May-hems