Friendster's Horoscopes

I'm not really much of a horoscope-believer, but honestly, I've been keeping updated with my horoscopes here on Friendster, & I really really like it.

Since I'm a Cap-rius, meaning a Capricorn & Aquarius, I've been appreciating horoscopes lately, I guess it's because it gives you advices on how you should deal life today. It's quite witty, being updated everyday & not running out of ideas & advices, so I'm giving them a thumbs up. Thank you Mr. Friendster. :)

Another week with another term for me... of course, can I not include mayhems? Probably not.

It's gonna be a tiring but great week, I can tell, especially because we're having cooking class in our Nutrition subject! Woohoo! Finally, something I really wanna do for a long time here in my school. At least before I get bored in Microbiology, I'm doing something exciting. Our group decided I should be the designer of our dishes, & it's gonna be so uberly cool! I'm researching for different kinds of food designs right now.

As for the rest of my day, I'm gonna continue reading Microbiology for sure. Maybe I'll go out later just to prove I'm not a vampire who sleeps at mornings & is awake during evenings... wait, I'm always awake because of school.... zzzz

Anyways, Merry May-hems to everybody. There will be a new moon tomorrow... I don't know what time & I'm not really sure so let's just wait & see...

God bless & take care everyone. Special thanks to my readers out there! You know who you are. :D

Signing off, Nutritionist major in Food Designing :P