So, as you know, it's been four months since I really got serious about my blogging. It's not my fault in the first place cause there's this thing with our internet that made me M.I.A. on the virtual beach. But I didn't give up on fixing it since I have commitment issues with my Lefty's, so when I plugged our newest internet connection, I immediately started blogging again.
Anyways, aside from having internet again, today was a really adventurous day for the family... minus my little brother. First, we went to a nearby public school where we were assigned to vote. It was a really really hot day & it got worst when we saw the long line of people before us waiting to vote. So my mom kinda made a scene & walked out. We headed for lunch, but we decided to go back cause my mom really wants us to experience the voting thing.
So after the elections, we went straight to my 'lolo uncle's' house just to pay him a visit. He actually has a stage four colon cancer, & I really am devastated about it. Although he's ill, I'm just glad he could still have the energy like a normal adult & I think he can actually recover amidst the severity of his illness. Hope you guys would pray for him as well.
We had a good time at his house. But my attention was mostly fixed on the election news... but still I had a good time. :)
Anyways, I'm back for good! Just wait for my May banner which is coming up soon! I'll try to update you guys more, okay? I miss everyone! God bless & take care everyone! :)
Good times, Aldrinne :D
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