Moment Memos

I've always thought that life is a slow process. Well, in the mundane parts of my life, it maybe is. But million moments & miracles do not show up in life all the time. They happen spontaneously, leaving a mark in my memory. & those moments were the days that I really live, giving me the conclusion that life is on its fast-paced lane.
& there are moments where I never really cared about anything. Moments where I slept the whole day. A moment where I got drunk for the first (& last) time with my friends & had my worst hangover in the morning. Moments where I slipped, fell, & stood up, only to find myself slipping again. Moments where I ventured in every direction without any particular destination. Moments where I cry with or without any reason. Moments where I caught myself doing good & bad things. Moments of my worst experiences. Moments where I made bad decisions of my life.
Those moments were rather a mess when I compare it with my glory days. They can be those moments which you can just forget just to pave way for the more important things. Sometimes they can bring you humor. But when I think about them, they were the moments that gave me the ability to differentiate true happiness from, just happiness.
Sure I had my moments where I never really cared about anything. Cause I was either dancing the night away, or dreaming good dreams in my sleep.
I had my moments where I slept the whole day. It's cause I was awake the whole night, spending time with my real families & friends. 
I had my moment where I got drunk with my friends & had my worst hangover in the morning. But I still felt really happy.
Moments of my downfall. & for that I regained my self-respect & able to stand up on my own, willing to do it again for the sake of learning.
Moments where I got nowhere else to go. & for that I inculcated my true directions in life... & beyond life.
I had my moments of crying. But after those sessions, I felt stronger.
Yes, I had my moments of pointing out my good & bad things. For that I built better qualities for my personality.
Moments of my bad experiences. They allowed me to distinguish what the good experiences are. 
Moments where I made some bad decisions of my life. & for that I learned how to decide, think before I make a decision, & evaluate their results.
It's actually your own point of view; life can either be fast or slow for you, & can either be good or bad. But one thing's for sure. Some moments, even when they aren't that any good, are still worth the pain.
Making a million memories, Aldrinne :_)


Sheila Aieen said...

Some moments, even when they aren't that any good, are still worth the pain.

:) That's cute. It's kinda hard to be positive all the time though. ;)

Have not read a soul fetching post like yours for some time now. Nice entry. And I noticed you write songs?

Awesome. :D