A November to Remember...

Oh sweet November! How fast the days go by... at one point you're enjoying Holloween then in the blink of an eye you're putting away your costume in the closet again for next year's party. Anyways, I again apologize for not being consistent on updating LJ here. There's just so many things to do & sleep to catch up so I wasn't quite in the mood for typing. Well! The month actually ended with quite many surprises, especially that there are many many unexpected people who joined me in my work who's earning so much more now. It's good to think that these sets of people never failed me to back me up everytime some hearsay try to bring me down. They'r my newest family now & I would protect them with all my life & dignity.... okay that sounds over-reacting but it's true. :)

Cool header for December huh? Because of the fame I acquired from posting some stories about the movie Meet the Newest Beatles, I guess I kinda focused on it. I'm posting all the links here about the said posts. Anyways, it's training day Sunday! Courtesy of my upline Ruper Mojica, Fast & the Furious baby! hehe... Have a wonderful day! God bless & take care always.

Special thanks to all the readers & supporters out there! :)


http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/474 - Now Showing: Meet The Newest Beatles

http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/509 - MTNB Movie Tour

http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/525 - Interview with the First Beatle- Daniel Radcliffe

http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/528 - Interview with the Second Beatle- David Archuleta

http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/535 - Interview with the Third Beatle- Allan Leyva

http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/540 - Interview with the Fourth Beatle- Jang Geun-suk

http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/546 - Interview with the Beatles' Manager- Daniel Henney

http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/553 - MTNB Movie Tour in the Philippines

http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/651 - Allan Leyva Live in Manila

http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/670 - C/B Support MTNB Movie

http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/702 - MTNB + C/B New Posters

http://allan-leyva.blog.friendster.com/archives/713 - The 2013 Clothing Concierto by Clothes Over Bros

Signing off, Lucky Evo :)