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It was the perfect night to end the sembreak & a great start for school & the month of November. Servings weren't only food or drinks, but the bond that we've strengthened amidst our differences. My allergy was bad timing, but it just proves that you can always have a friend in places you don't even know (connoissuer mode). Thank you uplines! :)
I went home at exactly 6:52 in the morning & I missed November 1 cause I woke up at 5:52 (weird huh?) in the evening. However, I still composed a little prayer for my superhero who passed away last two years ago- my grandfather. Anyways, it's now November!
Special thanks to Icey, Karren, Cathy, Mafe, Anj, Jeah, Charlyn, Chellang & Eric. :)
Signing off, A||AN
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