We've heard that it's been a very very busy career you're having right now since the start of the release of your first album "Faith & Fate". We're always keeping track of your popularity in the music industry & we keep hearing positive reviews at your songs, concerts & especially your music videos that are worth millions. Now, we're thinking of starting the recording sessions in your second album where you've sent all your compositions. It was reviewed by the board of music producers & we're proud to say that this one is going to sell again or will going to sell much more. It's really wise to name the second album "Thrive & Strive" since it's a great follow-up on the first album, & it really means nothing but a hit! We're also considering your ideas to take Mr. David James Archuleta & Ms. Hilary Duff to accompany you in your duet songs. We already informed those two people & they already agreed since it will give their career a boost because of you. In addition, we already planned to make a storyline in one of your music videos you'll be having in one of your sixteen songs. We'll keep you posted on everything, Mr. Leyva. For now, keep doing that chain of concerts you'll be having around the world. We're thinking to start the recording sessions after your Allan Addiction World Tour. It has been a great year for us because of the music you're selling in the market. Thank you so much Mr. Leyva for still having the loyalty to our company.
EMI Management
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