The thing about us is that we are so concerned only to ourselves & to our families & friends that we never really pay attention to the people who are suffering now because of the tragedies of life. Yes, we watch the news about people killing people or accidents & yes, we are also suprised by the stories we see & heard from it... but in a couple of seconds, you continue living our life & forget what we've watched.
When you are in your house having a good time eating or sleeping or something, there were people from Sibuyan Sea who were trapped in the Princess of the Stars ferry, unable to breathe, panicking, & worrying about the things that they'll leave unfinished. It's a disaster that alarmed the whole world, because out of 800 passengers, four dozens of survivors live to tell the story about the torturous waves in the middle of the storm. Just thinking about the other 752 passengers who did not survive the tragedy, it's such a devastating news that we would never forget. Just imagine being trapped upside down in the boat, the water level was reaching at you & you have no idea how to escape. It just kills my heart.
While we were having the time of our lives, we have no idea that the government need almost 8 billion dollars to provide the casualties of the typhoon Fengshen food & shelter for three months. Just for one moment, let's just be silent & say a prayer to the victims of the typhoon to have enough food & shelter, & rest in peace to those who did not make it. Let's be one at this disaster & expect a better day tomorrow.
Don't let the sun go down on... us everyone.
Signing off, LAN
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