Well, for some of us there's nothing really special about this month. It's just that it's so overwhelming that we're turning another page in our 'Life Britannica' for another round of good & bad moments courtesy of Life Entertainment TV of course. Seriously though, my July's never really were memorable to me, but it's just a way I celebrate for nothing once in awhile. We must be appreciative in life, hence throwing either personal or public trifled celebrations is surely a start.
Things must've been still new to us, considering that Change Airlines are really bringing us somewhere fast. However, the idea of nature changing us so quick is just a folly because of the fact that we're not really that platonic in life or in time. We just keep moving on 'till we never realize that (soon) we'll be working 24/7 & we'll have no time to enjoy life the way we should. Pretty soon(er) we'll be the players of our own game, being independent & all, & that costs a lot of responsibility & hell yeah, a lot of our time. Still, at the end of the day, I wish we still know the reason why we're doing all this & if we're happy to things happening around us. Sigh, we lack so much in time we don't even notice it.
Since it's just my conjecture, I really just wish everything will turn out alright... not just in the month of July, not just this year... but in a lifetime. Being happy while being at the right direction is all we'd wish for, & I know & I pray that it'll make us better & contented.
We're all persona grata in life, we just have to make the most out of it. How? You ask yourself. :)
Special thanks to Icey, Karren, Cathy, Mafe, Anj, Jeah, Charlyn & the rest of the readers who really do suprised me just by saying "I'm reading your blog." Trust me, the line last longer in my head than you'd ever imagine. God bless & good morNight! :)
Signing off, Dream Diver :D