Open to Change

It must be early for me to hit the computer & say anything without a morning smile, but waking up from a weird dream told me that I must write something... something that I am feeling now & something that I must blurt it out.

To be able to ride with the waves of change, which is what I always talk about every now & then, I must accept it the way it supposed to be. Because that's the only constant thing in this world, I had no choice but to be one with it. It may seem weird at first, but that's the only thing for living a cadence life.

I don't wanna be sad at all, but it's depressing to know the fact things about life; how we must enter someone's life & just go, how we should be susceptible to be strong, how we should make mistakes to learn, & all that. & the worst part from all it is, well... that's life.

Change, how could someone be open to it? Well, as part of life's depressing facts, we must close the old door & open a new one, no matter how we wanted to cling to our old life. I know it's sad, but when it comes to change, we must also accept it. Learning new things can be exciting, but then again...

I guess all we had to do is expect the unexpected. My content may be a little off, but let's just be ready for the things that can alter our lives. We might meet someone in the past in these life's junctions, & who knows, change can be... good. Good day everyone.