Maybe you consider yourself being one of the most unluckiest people right now, but hurting can be a beneficial factor to everyone of us. Yep! God created the letter H not just for -urt, but for -appiness too.
In some of the movies, people always complain about being hurt by their love ones & how they can't continue their life anymore, but in reality, a person who's being hurt has reserved a reason to smile amidst the stormy weather. Reality tells us that beneath these scratches from the heart, there's a tiny emotional-platelet that'll heal it & will give the equal amount of happiness you'll be having to make it seem more worth it in the end.
If you have been hurting for a million times now, just expect a million times of happiness that will surely go along your way. That's the best part of life; they know when to make you happy after they make you sad.
If someone who's irreplaceable walks out unto your life... well, Beyonce said it herself, right? & in the end, another one who's better will make you happy, simple as that... Not really, but hey! Dogs can go back when they go out of the house, why can't we?
It's just a simple math really. Amount of Hurt equals to Amount of Happiness you'll be receiving. Have a great morning. :)
Special thanks to Icey, Cathy, Karren, Mafe, & Anj. :)
Signing off, Sleepy-but-happy
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