Hair Gain

Sometimes you have to give up the things that builds up your character whatever your reasons are, & I did what I had to do, not that I needed to, I just wanted to prove their allegations wrong. I got bald! lol

At first it was really just a random thing my best friend Mark & I talked about. I never thought Mark would do it- he kept saying that change is constant. Well, it is, & I figured to make one for me. So I did the same, with my motto change is contagious. lol

But seriously, sometimes we have to step beyond our line & just do the most random thing we could think of. I thought it's gonna look so weird on me, you know, being bald & all, but it turns out I needed to have a new look, physically & with everything else. It actually didn't look so hard for my hair to miss after I looked at myself in the mirror. I guess I really needed a change & my hair made me do it.

I did lost a lot of hair, but I gained enough character. Never thought I had the guts to make myself go to the barber & tell him to shave it! I'm loving change now! Are you willing to give up something, for a change? :)

Shaping in, shipping out, Aldrinne :D