I do love going to school & all, with all those studying & constantly being on top of your game (or daydreaming your way out of passing), but sometimes I wish there will only be school days whenever I'm feeling. I know, I'm really lazy sometimes, but is it my fault to beat yourself up with hammer everyday?
Well, I guess I really have to focus than whine about it. I mean, I only have one more year to finish college & I'm up to chase my dreams. The only thing I need to do now is focus on whichever the school bus wheel takes me. No business first, no social life to focus on- it's all about bonding with books & staying away from tempting activities.
Awhile ago when I was heading home from my friend's house, I saw one of my neighborhood/childhood friends whom I didn't see much often anymore. We said hello to each other & went off with our lives. Another was when I was going back to my house from a grocery store- I saw another childhood friend but we never greeted nor glanced at each other... maturity issues, I guess...
Now I'm having an epiphany- where's these all coming from? Actually, I just miss my childhood days where the world is just my personal playground. Friendship when I was a kid is measured by how much toys you got, how much candies you have for you to share, how much kids you've fought with & how many wins you have. Unfortunately, I'm not really the most popular toddler in our school & in our subdivision. I guess I'm a little bit sensitive & emotional...
It seems like everything that revolves around you were afternoon anime's like Ghostfighter, building waterfalls from sand, dancing infront of the TV to the tune of Wanna Be & Barbie Girl (Yeah, that's right! It actually got famous when I first encountered MTV), skipping lunch or dinner just so you could play outside or play indoors with your Lego & Hotwheels, & getting excited going to the mall after a Sunday mass because your grandfather will be buying more toys.
Back then, we were fortificated from reality. It was so fun being just you that you seem to miss it now more than ever. Today, we're all about stalking your idol (I think that's just me), being so messed up in studies, worrying about almost everything & dieting all the way even if you have a great body. I'd spare you all the details from young adulthood. Today, we set our paths & goals while we hone ourselves to being the best at everything, but when we're kids, we're just paving the exit to go outside & play whatever games kids play up until today. I miss being a kid again. :)
Shaping in, shipping out, Allan :)
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