Duties & File Fleas

It's a great start for me to spend my summer vacation doing hospital duties for six weeks because I get to enjoy every minute of it. Seriously, I think I wanna be an E.R. nurse... or a doctor. :P

It's good because I didn't just gain some new friends, I also get to sponge all the things that they taught me & some old routines that need polishing. I don't know why but I'm really eager to learn, maybe because I'm making it up not only to the ones who are concerned about my studies but to myself too. I also need a little break from my business activities (it's actually doing quite good even if I'm not there & because someone is changing because of money & I really hate that) & from my social life.

I really need to focus on my duty, my family & myself. Albeit the intense heat this summer when I go to Cardinal Santos Medical Center (That's where I first had my hospital duty) because of the fact that my duty is 2-10PM, I still am glad that I'm falling in love with the E.R. atmosphere- that's why I'm always energize when there's someone that needs assistance in some nursing activities. I just hope I get to snatch some few minor cases there.

On the downside, I'm really devastated towards my laptop because it reformatted by itself two days ago when I opened it. Obviously, all the files are gone- all that pictures & songs. I'm lucky enough to save my compositions from my usb... but those photos! Anyways, I'll be getting this thing fixed up & reformatted again before it pulls a crazy thing again on its own & I'm really sure now to buy that thing with a big storage space. Two years ago I saw that my friend has that thingy & I don't get the point why does he have to buy something like that... now I understand. Dang it!

It's not in my nature to get so furious to someone who's already close to me, but I tend to bite when someone pulls a stupid apathetic stunt because I followed his stupid advice. At first I really don't blame him from what happened to me back then, but now, I'm just furious that he doesn't have the guts to defend me from an upline who's getting on my nerves way before he became one. What happened to his promise? It didn't really disappeared... because it didn't really exist at the first place. All he cares now was his money & his insolent attitude. What an upline! & the hell he doesn't know that I'm defending him from some of his downlines who felt that his attitude isn't right anymore... now he's all on his own & I'll be my own upline from now on & will guide my downlines whom I really care about. Argghh! I just hate it when people change so badly for money.

Anyways, still looking on the bright side. A little break is all I needed to pull that rumor plug that the Allan now wasn't really that certain about studying. I'm still putting myself to my fate & sucking some big faith into my lungs. God bless & have a terrific Thursday! :)

Shaping in & shipping out- Allan