How A Blog Can Get Attention- Idiot's Guide to Blogging

It's hard to be serious... it's no fun being frivolous either.

In this modern century we're dealing with today, it's kinda practical to have a blog on your own... yep! It entirely benefits the trees (& I guess the electricity power & internet connection companies or computer shops), plus comments, suggestions & reactions can get to you fast, whether it's negative or not. You can also save it when you want to reconsider publishing it, or just edit it for typos. The world can read what you're thinking, or what you've been doing lately. It's also one of the fastest way to become known... well, it's really entirely upto them. However, having a blog can ease your emotions or curiousity by exposing your thoughts to the entire web community. One thing though that crosses my mind every now & then is, what can you put to your blog to gain the people's attention.

A post is a post.

First of all, we have blogs because we want to be known. Maybe because we have voices that wanted to be heard & people just really don't want to listen, we put it into typing for the bored readers to kill some time.

The most popular thing to post these days is all about politics. Yes! We're not that easy to be dragged around by the government, & come on, it's the newest showbiz in town. Bloggers tend to unite when it comes to this topic, especially when a dirty job gets exposed & we are just salivating to speak our minds about it. What can we do? We have lips to speak or seal. We also have money being passed around to be handled by these government men & all they had to do is to sit on their desk, intelligently answer the people's questions, & wait for their paychecks to come, but somehow they really can't do it. Rallying is way centuries ago, so how about politics in the blogging business, right?

The second most popular thing to post today, with exception to normal people like us, is reiterating the day of a celebrity. Would you rather read what a normal person that you didn't even know did today, or what a celebrity 'that you still didn't even know' does for today? I bet you would go for the latter. The thing is, a blog can be known when you're already known & famous... or unknown (An alien who blogs for instance). Even if celebrity life isn't all that, let's just say that a person will undergo the 'couch potato' phase in a lifetime. If a smart blogger who has sense in his words is compared to a not-so-smart celebrity blogger who talks about the newest fashion trends in Milan, then we can say that all of us... are stupid as well. No offense.

The next best topic to post in your blog is... sports... okay, I'm just playing. I think it's also best if we post something humourously funny (even if the word humuorously does or does not exist)... wait that's a category... Okay! (Slaps cheeks) It's best if we blog about Q's & A's. Although you didn't really see that coming, blog communication is the community's urges today. This is where you'd really receive tons of answers from know-it-alls like me. Everybody thinks they're wise, & we can't stop sharing what we know to the whole world. So you'd really expect a damn good-enough reply from typical love problems to not-so-typical educational questions... don't worry, you can skip that science & technology category.

There are a lot of few more that can really hit the bookstore shelves... or maybe the internet library, but I guess I'm just boring you guys so I'd skipped to the not-so-gaining-attention-much blog topics.

The most worst thing you can put in a blog is a day in the life of yourself, especially without any typographical errors. You heard me right! WITHOUT ANY TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS... why? A blog is not gonna be that entertaining without something to be criticized, rigth? & I'm sure anyone out there loves to read a person's stupid wise words than a witty joke. I guess people love a stupid crack jack company, rather than a wise witty one.


You see! It gains more attention! So blogging is also intended for dumb jerks out there... go ahead! But do try to copy & paste your content before posting it... people can't know stupid things because of a stupid thing that you've done... like blogging without an internet connection... that's a tip coming from a stupid person like me. Trust me!

One of the most boring topics a blogger can post is all about the newest movies to come, newest songs to sing, newest fashion trends which you can't even buy but you post it anyway & other new stuff people already know about way before you put it in a sentence.


It gets you everytime,does it?

Still think you got what it takes to be a blogger? If I were you, click the nearest logout you can see. If you're brave enough to post what you want the world to see but the world wouldn't see it anyway, then go ahead, become like the rest of us. Make sure you thank those readers who visit you & comment on your post every now & then. Again, no offense to Icey, Karren, Cathy, Mafe, Anj, Jeah & Charlyn. That's the truth about blogging, you'd never really know when to be heard.