Anyways, how's life treating us lately? It's a shame to ask you all this for the first time because I continue blabbing about my life without having the courtesy of asking your thoughts lately. Anyways, you're all free to comment about anything under the sun. I may not be famous, but I sure know how to give some of my time reading, so yey for me!
It's so good that I'm having these time to relax just before, during & after my school. I'm not saying I'm goofing off to my studies lately, but, you know, the pressure isn't really that big of a deal once you get used to it. Sheesh! After 16 years of studying, is it that new that we are being tortured by education? My point is, even if you're giving your 100% to your studies, you can still have the time to arrange those thoughts or meditate the stress away. So what I'm saying is that you're not just doing the best you can, you're doing what you think is the best for everyone. Go reward yourself anytime soon, & don't worry, those Behaviourist think it's better than working hard with punishments.
It's 12:52 in my clock & I still have to study for Pharmacology & go over through my SHE report but I'm not really that worried... okay I'm worried, but I'd come to a conclusion that everything will going to be alright.
Happy Birthday to Catherine "Direk Cathy" Bautista!
Good luck on the tour for the American Idols especially to David James Archuleta :)
Good mornight & God bless.
Signing off, iLAN
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