March 6, 2008

For those who made my day so bad, I personally want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, my day would never be so damn dark & twisty!

First!!! Because of these fx drivers, I want to thank you for making me realize that I really should learn how to drive, & that walking's better than waiting for 1 hour & 30 minutes waiting for you guys. I salute you! Woohoo!

Second!!! I wouldn't want to miss giving you a really big thanks for thinking I have a fake patch in my uniform. Ma'am Guard, when & where did you get your eyes checked? Uhmmm... a logo's a logo, so please deal with it alright? Because of wasting both our time telling me to go to the Dean's Office to check it if it's an original one, I didn't get a chance to take the long test in Literature. Thank you so much. Oh yeah! Please expect evaluation forms with negative comments about your job.

Another!!! Sir, I really respect you're personal belief that you don't get mad, you get even. But please sir, do you think being late will make you angry? & even if you only get even with us, do you think I'm actually doing something wrong? Sheesh! I'm one of the students who actually listens to you when you're lecturing because I'm really interested in what you're trying to tell us, & I really put up an all nighter just to review for the long test. & now all I'm asking is just a little of your time to make a make-up test, but you really refuse to do that. & what the hell?! You just smiled at me when I told you I was waiting for more than an hour & praying that I could still catch up for the exam. If you think I'm lying sir, then I wanna say thank you for contributing to my social death. I do have high respects for you sir, but you just had to do this.

Fourth!!! Ma'am, you do know that I love Community Service, right? & I would do anything just to be early, right? Then what the hell is a make-up duty?! Back when we were going to have a Feeding Program, do you know that I came there at 6 am in the morning when we were supposed to meet at 8 in the health center? Of course! You have no idea because you weren't there 'till eight! You do know that it wasn't my fault I didn't charge my phone (because of the reason someone borrowed my charger last Thursday & still not returning it) & I went there to the health center to meet you guys, & you weren't there because you're at one of my groupmate's house to help us finish our CDX, right? Then I tell you this, I thought we were having our last duty so I went straight to school cause I thought you guys are already there for the defense in our Community Diagnosis Book. Many of my groupmates are always late, & you chose me as one who should have a make-up duty? Arrgghhh! You're my favorite Clinical instructor ma'am, & you know that we are close, but hello!!!

What a great day I had yesterday! *Bangs head on table*